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  1. › wiki › MermanMerman - Wikipedia

    A merman (pl.: mermen), the male counterpart of the mythical female mermaid, is a legendary creature which is human from the waist up and fish-like from the waist down, but may assume normal human shape. Sometimes mermen are described as hideous and other times as handsome.

  2. In Greek mythology, Triton, the son of Poseidon, was a merman who was known for his ability to calm the waves with his conch shell. In medieval Europe, mermen were often depicted as fierce and dangerous creatures who would lure sailors to their deaths.

  3. › wiki › MerfolkMerfolk - Wikipedia

    Merfolks, Mercreatures, Mermen or Merpeople are legendary water-dwelling human-like beings. They are attested in folklore and mythology throughout the ages in various parts of the world. Female merfolks are called mermaids, although in a strict sense mermaids are confined to beings who are half-woman and half-fish in appearance.

  4. May 18, 2024 · The meaning of MERMAN is a fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a man and the tail of a fish.

  5. Mermen (Also Merkings, merlords, mergentlemen, Mermisters, Merprinces, Merhusbands, Merfathers, Mersons, Merbrothers or Merboyfriends) the male counterparts of the mythical mermaids, are legendary creatures which are male human from the waist up and fish-like from the waist down, but may assume...

  6. Jun 4, 2024 · Triton, in Greek mythology, a merman, demigod of the sea; he was the son of the sea god, Poseidon, and his wife, Amphitrite. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea.

  7. They are mythical creatures who have a form of an upper human torso, and a lower half of a fish tail. Originally celebrated as the deities, mermen slowly slipped back into the legends as the ordinary mythological creatures of the sea, who very rarely show up on the surface.

  8. May 8, 2024 · mermaid, a fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a human being and the tail of a fish. Similar divine or semidivine beings appear in ancient mythologies (e.g., the Chaldean sea god Ea, or Oannes).

  9. Mar 2, 2023 · In Greek mythology, the most famous merman was the god Poseidon. He was the son of titans Rhea and Chronos.

  10. › science › encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-mapsMermaids and Mermen |

    Mermaids and Mermen. Legendary supernatural sea people, human from the head to the waist but with a fish tail instead of legs. In German folklore, a mermaid was known as "meerfrau," in Danish "maremind," Irish "murduac" (or "merrow"). In Brittany, the "morgans" were beautiful sirenlike women, dangerous to men, while in British maritime lore ...

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