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  1. Digital Research, Inc. (DR or DRI) was a privately held American software company created by Gary Kildall to market and develop his CP/M operating system and related 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit systems like MP/M, Concurrent DOS, FlexOS, Multiuser DOS, DOS Plus, DR DOS and GEM.

  2. Apr 19, 2024 · What is Digital Research? At the AU Library, the term “Digital Research” refers to the use of modern digital methods and technologies to advance or supplement the traditional process of scholarly exploration.

  3. Aug 1, 2016 · Digital technologies can serve as objects, tools and venues of research simultaneously (e.g., research into the affordances, content and users of online social networking sites), influencing research design, data collection and data analysis as well ( Buchanan & Zimmer, 2012 ).

  4. Much of the published research demonstrates how digital approaches can improve the design and implementation of clinical trials. While challenges remain, progress over the last five years is encouraging, and barriers can be overcome with careful planning.

  5. Digital health has a growing impact on the delivery of care and provides the opportunity to tackle the next frontier in healthcare by shifting the focus from treatment to prevention.

  6. Jul 20, 2021 · Knowing about a variety of qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods and digital research methods. Understanding how choice of research method is framed and guided by methodology.

  7. This section provides an overview of the challenges and facilitators for evaluation of effectiveness of digital interventions, in particular research using online trials. In this section we discuss the nature and implications of conducting RCTs of digital interventions in an online environment.

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