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  1. Jan 18, 2017 · You need text-indent. Normally text-indent pushes the first line inwards, but if you give it a minus figure and use a positive margin, you can achieve the effect you're after. text-indent: -10px; margin-left: 10px

    Code sample

    text-indent: -10px;
    margin-left: 10px
  2. Since the browser-supplied font-size of h1 is 32 pixels, the resultant margin is 32 pixels. However, using something like font-size: 100%; solves the discrepancy. By setting font-size: 100%; or font-size: 1em; on an element, you're telling it to use 100% of the font size of its parent, so setting 1em as a length on anything else will follow ...

  3. ol.special li { text-indent: -1em; margin-left: 1em; } (i.e., you set a left margin for a list item and a negative indentation of the same amount for the first line, so that the net effect is to have second and further lines indented that much). So I should be able to get it to work for css, but I can not. I am making a typo or something.

  4. Open in MATLAB Online. Then tell me what F (60) is by plugging it into a formula without actually doing the sum numerically. If you use the web site Walter gave to get an approximate formula, you get close but not exact integers: Theme. Copy. phi = (1 + sqrt (5)) / 2. f (1) = 1; f (2) = 1; F (1) = 1;

  5. Retrieves alert context for the specified alert ID. HTTP. Copy. GET http://<Servername>/OperationsManager/data/alertContext/{id}

  6. For clarity, I added item_style=text-indent: -1em; margin-left: 1em; to add a hanging indentation, which pushes an item's continuation lines to the right by 1em. What would people think of making hanging indentation part of the standard formatting for this template?

  7. Oct 27, 2016 · To help you get started working with XPath, this section shows you how to quickly build an interactive tutorial application that visually highlights the results of various XPath patterns as you selectively use them to query the data in a brief XML document file.