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  2. The Metamorphoses is one of the most influential works in Western culture. It has inspired such authors as Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Geoffrey Chaucer, and William Shakespeare. Numerous episodes from the poem have been depicted in works of sculpture, painting, and music, especially during the Renaissance.

  3. Book the Fourteenth [12k] Download: A 648k text-only version is available for download . Metamorphoses by Ovid, part of the Internet Classics Archive.

  4. transform, metamorphose, transmute, convert, transmogrify, transfigure mean to change a thing into a different thing. transform implies a major change in form, nature, or function. metamorphose suggests an abrupt or startling change induced by or as if by magic or a supernatural power.

  5. Jun 8, 2007 · The Metamorphoses of Ovid are a compendium of the Mythological narratives of ancient Greece and Rome, so ingeniously framed, as to embrace a large amount of information upon almost every subject connected with the learning, traditions, manners, and customs of antiquity, and have afforded a fertile field of investigation to the learned of the civilized world.

  6. Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, en latin et en françois est une édition in-quarto en quatre volumes publiés entre 1767 et 1771 chez Noël-Jacques Pissot et traduite par l'abbé Banier de l'Académie royale des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres.

  7. DAUGHTERS OF KING MINYAS TRANSFORMED TO BATS. [1] Alcithoe, daughter of King Minyas, consents not to the orgies of the God; denies that Bacchus is the son of Jove, and her two sisters join her in that crime. 'Twas festal-day when matrons and their maids, keeping it sacred, had forbade all toil.—And having draped their bosoms with wild skins ...

  8. A silver boss, fastened with little thongs, played on his forehead, worn there from his birth; and pendants from both ears, of gleaming pearls, adorned his hollow temples. Free of fear, and now no longer shy, frequenting homes of men he knew, he offered his soft neck even to strangers for their petting hands.

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