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  1. This function will take all the Collider2D shapes attached to the Rigidbody2D and cast them into the Scene starting at the Collider position in the specified direction for an optional distance and return the results in the provided results list.

    • Cast

      Description. Casts the Collider shape into the Scene...

    • Scripting API

      Casts a ray, from point origin, in direction direction, of...

    • BoxCast

      Casts the box along a ray and returns detailed information...

  2. Nov 14, 2015 · Instantiate returns an Object. An Object is not a GameObject, so you have to cast. There is also another way to cast, which doesn't throw an exception if the cast fails. You can read about it here . C# "as" cast vs classic cast

  3. In this tutorial video you can see the following "casts" visualized: RaycastAll. SpherecastAll. BoxcastAll. Capsulecast.

  4. Polymorphism is a feature of inheritance and one of the pillars of object-oriented programming. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to: Explain the basics of polymorphism, including its practical use in development. Upcast and downcast to access different class functionality via polymorphism.

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