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  1. Project Gutenberg offers over 70,000 free eBooks in epub and Kindle formats, and human-read and computer-generated audio books. You can read, enjoy, and share the world’s great literature without cost or registration.

  2. Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, as well as to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks." It was founded in 1971 by American writer Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of books or individual stories in the public ...

  3. Project Gutenberg is a digital library of free ebooks in various languages. You can browse English books by author or title, or search by other categories such as audio, music, pictures, and more.

  4. Project Gutenberg is the first and oldest provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Learn about its mission, history, philosophy, partners, and how to access and create eBooks.

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  6. Project Gutenberg, a nonprofit organization (since 2000) that maintains an electronic library of public domain works that have been digitized, or converted into e-books, by volunteers and archived for download from the organization’s website. Learn more about Project Gutenberg in this article.

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