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  1. Michael Hồ Đình Hy (胡 廷 僖; 1808– 22 May 1857) was a Vietnamese mandarin official who was martyred for his Roman Catholic belief during the persecutions by Emperor Tự Đức. He was canonized in 1988 along with another 116 Vietnamese Martyrs.

  2. Martyr of Vietnam. A native of Vietnam, he was born to Christian parents and was by profession a wealthy silk trader and superintendent of the royal silk mills. He did not practice the faith until late in life, becoming then protector of the Christian community.

  3. Michael Hồ Đình Hy ( 胡 廷 僖; 1808– 22 May 1857) was a Vietnamese mandarin official who was martyred for his Roman Catholic belief during the persecutions by Emperor Tự Đức. He was canonized in 1988 along with another 116 Vietnamese Martyrs.

  4. At the same time, the court was going to had Christian high-ranking mandarin Michael Hồ Đình Hy trial and execution for being "traitor". Before departing, de Montigny opened fire at the Vietnamese port of Da Nang as a threatening warning to Tự Đức, calling for stopping the persecution.

  5. Micae Hồ Đình Hy (胡廷僖, 1808-1857) là một tín hữu Công giáo Việt Nam, giữ chức quan thái bộc trong Triều Nguyễn. Ông tử đạo thời vua Tự Đức và đã được Giáo hoàng Gioan Phaolô II phong làm thánh của Giáo hội Công giáo Rôma vào năm 1988.

  6. During his imprisonment and years after his death, Michael Hy Ho-Dinh were criticized for his written confession as means for further Christian persecution. Twenty five years...

  7. Aug 5, 2018 · Ông Hồ Đình Hy là người đắc lực giúp đỡ các giáo sĩ bằng ý kiến, bằng thế lực và bằng của cải. Ông dân nhà ở cho Cha Đơ-la-mốt [1] (Y) cho Đức Cha Pe-lơ-ranh [2] (Phan) và Đức Cha Sô-hi-ê [3] (Bình). Ông giữ quỹ tiền các Đức Cha trích ra giúp những người bị bắt vì ...

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