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  1. Walter Kasper is a German Catholic cardinal and theologian who served as President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity from 2001 to 2010. He is known for his views on ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, and the role of the papacy.

  2. Jul 11, 2015 · A philosopher argues that Cardinal Kasper's proposal to allow remarried divorcees to receive Communion is based on a flawed philosophical foundation influenced by Hegel and Kant. He claims that Kasper's thought is not coherent, logical or faithful to the Church's doctrine and practice.

  3. May 7, 2014 · Cardinal Walter Kasper: The doctrine on God was arrived at by ontological understanding—God is absolute being and so on—which is not wrong. But the biblical understanding is much deeper and more personal.

  4. Cardinal Walter Kasper is a German theologian and former President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. He participated in two synods on the family and two conclaves of popes, and was created a cardinal by John Paul II in 2001.

    • A Pressing Pastoral Problem
    • Historical Dimensions
    • Common Foundations in Ecclesiology
    • Controversy: Points of Disagreement
    • A Freely Disputed Issue
    • Consequences For The Ecumenical Movement
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    I reached my position not from abstract reasoning but from pastoral experience. As the bishop of a large diocese, I had observed how a gap was emerging and steadily increasing between norms promulgated in Rome for the universal church and the needs and practices of our local church. A large portion of our people, including priests, could not unders...

    The relationship between the universal church and the local churches cannot be explained in the abstract by way of theoretical deductions, because the church is a concrete historical reality. Under the guidance of God’s Spirit, it unfolds in history; to history, therefore, we must turn for sound theology. Among the complex historical data, the main...

    Before explaining my own position, I wish to state the doctrinal points in which Cardinal Ratzinger and I agree. So far as possible, I wish to exclude any misunderstanding. The common doctrine that Catholic theologians must accept can be summed up in three points: In affirming these three points, I think I am in substantial agreement with Henri de ...

    Cardinal Ratzinger defends the thesis of the historical and ontological primacy of the universal church over the local churches with arguments from historical sources and systematic reflections. He claims that the doctrine of the primacy of the universal church follows from the history of the Pentecostal event reported by Luke in the Acts of the Ap...

    When the question of the primacy of the churches is critically examined, it becomes clear that the debate is not about any point of Catholic doctrine. The conflict is between theological opinions and underlying philosophical assumptions. One side [Ratzinger] proceeds by Plato’s method; its starting point is the primacy of an idea that is a universa...

    The resolution of the relationship between the universal church and the local churches is highly relevant for the pastoral situations that I mentioned at the beginning of this article. Originally, I myself regarded the issue as a pastoral one within the church. Now I see it as a major problem affecting our relations with other Christian churches. T...

    Cardinal Walter Kasper argues for the right balance between the universal church and the local churches, based on his pastoral experience and theology. He criticizes the trend toward centralization and the abstract theory of the universal church as prior to the local churches.

  5. Apr 6, 2015 · Cardinal Walter Kasper, a retired German prelate and a close ally of Pope Francis, argues in his latest book that the pope is a theologian of mercy and tenderness who is fully in the Catholic tradition. He also defends Francis against his conservative critics and calls for pastoral reforms on issues such as divorce, remarriage and gay people.

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  7. Learn about the life and work of Cardinal Walter Kasper, a prominent Catholic theologian and ecumenist. He served as president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and led many dialogues with other Christian and Jewish groups.

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