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    • Season 1
    • Season 2
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    • Season 2 overview
      Sep 29, 1999-May 24, 2000
      23 episodes
      Season 2 episodes
      1. The Football
      1. The Football Sep 29, 1999
      • Parker must find a briefcase containing launch codes in order to undo events leading to nuclear war.
    • 2. Pinball Wizard
      2. Pinball Wizard Oct 6, 1999
      • Parker befriends a girl who is being exploited by a techno-geek with a grudge.
    • 3.
      3. Oct 13, 1999
      • Parker must prevent disaster when a supercomputer deactivates the world's nuclear weapons systems.
    • 4. For the Children
      4. For the Children Oct 20, 1999
      • Disgruntled Army veterans hijack a subway train full of schoolchildren.
      • Parker back-steps to prevent terrorists from blowing up the Statue of Liberty.
    • 6. Walk Away
      6. Walk Away Nov 10, 1999
      • A transplant from an alien cures Ballard's paralysis but has a drawback.
    • 7. Sister's Keeper
      7. Sister's Keeper Nov 17, 1999
      • Parker back-steps to Las Vegas to prevent the Russian Mafia from murdering Olga's sister.
    • 8. The Collector
      8. The Collector Nov 24, 1999
      • A Back-Step accident enables a serial killer to escape and resume his spree.
      • Parker back-steps to prevent a terrorist act at a fairy-tale wedding of a prince and princess.
      • Parker must prevent an unstable admiral from provoking armed conflict off the coast of Taiwan.
    • 11. Time Gremlin
      11. Time Gremlin Jan 12, 2000
      • Parker contends with a gremlin from another dimension that has the ability to warp time.
    • 12. Buried Alive
      12. Buried Alive Feb 9, 2000
      • Parker struggles to free himself from a collapsed mine shaft.
      • Parker is aided by a young passenger as he tries to save a doomed jetliner.
      • Parker finds himself in a time loop which prevents him from rescuing Chief Talmadge.
      • Parker must alter events so that a meteor fails to strike New York City.
    • 16. The Cuban Missile
      16. The Cuban Missile Mar 22, 2000
      • Parker must save Fidel Castro's adopted son, a Cuban boxer who faces assassination.
      • Olga and Parker try to retrieve a genetically engineered baby that was kidnapped from the lab.
      • Parker and Ramsey team to prevent Ramsey's brother from killing a senator.
    • 19. Pope Parker
      19. Pope Parker Apr 26, 2000
      • A glitch gives Parker the identity of an assassin's target: a 75-year-old pope.
      • Three teenage girls who try witchcraft mistake Parker for a conjured prom date.
      • Parker reveals the Back Step program to the press in a desperate attempt to save Donovan's life.
      • Parker discovers the evil truth behind a presidential candidate's upright rhetoric.
    • 23. The Cure
      23. The Cure May 24, 2000
      • A time traveler reveals that a celebrated cancer cure eventually destroys the human race.