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  1. Philippe Quinault (French:; 3 June 1635 – 26 November 1688), French dramatist and librettist, was born in Paris. Biography. Quinault was educated by the liberality of François Tristan l'Hermite, the author of Marianne. Quinault's first play was produced at the Hôtel de Bourgogne in 1653, when he was only

  2. …he worked with the librettist Philippe Quinault on operatic and ballet works varying from the classical Atys (1676) and Isis (1677) to the heroic Roland (1685) and the pastoral Le Temple de la paix (1685). He died of an infected wound in his foot caused by his long conducting stick.

  3. Ce site est consacré à l'oeuvre et à la vie de Philippe Quinault, poète lyrique et dramatique (1635-1688). On y trouve, bien sûr, les livrets qu'il fit pour les opéras de Lully, mais aussi ses autres oeuvres pour le théâtre musical, son théâtre parlé (comédies, tragi-comédies, tragédies), ses airs, ses vers et même un peu de sa ...

  4. French poet and librettist. He was associated with the Paris Opera for 24 years. He wrote the libretto for the ballet opera Les Fêtes de l'amour et de Bacchus in 1672, which marked the beginning of a fourteen-year collaboration with Lully.

  5. Philippe Quinault has 209 books on Goodreads with 135 ratings. Philippe Quinaults most popular book is Atys: A Play in Five Acts.

  6. Je vous propose d'abord une liste chronologique de toutes ses oeuvres et une liste de ses oeuvres pour le théâtre. Pour les éditions de son théâtre choisi et complet et des livrets, voir la page bibliographie. On peut répartir son oeuvre en plusieurs catégories :

  7. Amadis or Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul) is a tragédie en musique in a prologue and five acts by Jean-Baptiste Lully to a libretto by Philippe Quinault based on Nicolas Herberay des Essarts' adaptation of Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo's Amadis de Gaula.

  8. Discover Philippe Quinault famous and rare quotes. Share Philippe Quinault quotations about wisdom. "It is not wise to be wiser than..."

  9. Philippe Quinault. primary name: primary name: Quinault, Philippe. Details. individual; author/poet; French; Male. Life dates. 1635-1688. Biography. Dramatist; most successful tragedy was 'Astrate, roi de Tyr'. After 1670 he devoted himself to opera; member of the Académie Française (1670). New search.

  10. Atys, which premiered on 10 January 1676, is the first of the tragédies lyriques of Jean-Baptiste Lully and Philippe Quinault to conclude with a tragic ending.

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