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  1. Chef John Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Chef John's Meatloaf
    Chef John's meatloaf recipe fits the bill for comfort food for sure. I serve it with cauliflower mashed potatoes and my own soybean succotash instead of peas.
    Chef John's Chicken Tikka Masala
    Delicious and flavorful recipe. Along with Chef John's video, it is super easy to make. My husband is a basic meat and potatoes guy and he LOVES this recipe.
    Chef John's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
    Chef John's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup With Butter, Carrot, Diced Onion, Diced Celery, Salt, Fresh Thyme Leaves, Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Wide Egg Noodles, Boneless Chicken Breast Halves, Cayenne Pepper, Salt And Ground Black Pepper
    Chef John's Pumpkin Pie
    The best! I've always been a fan of pumpkin pie, in or out of season. Since trying this recipe, though, store bought pies just cant compare. I've been
    Chef John's Chocolate Souffle
    "These visually impressive individual chocolate soufflés are perfect for your special someone. If you're serving more people, the recipe should scale up just fine." - Chef John
    Chef John's Succotash
    This may be America's oldest vegetable recipe, coming from a Narragansett Indian word, 'msickquatash,' which, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means 'boiled corn kernels.' When most of you hear the word succotash, you probably don't think of a delicious vegetable side dish, you probably think of the catchphrase, 'Sufferin' succotash!' But succotash really is a great and very underrated recipe.
    Chef John's Pasta Primavera
    Pasta primavera is quite a straightforward recipe; spaghetti or fettuccine tossed with an array of fresh spring vegetables. When done right, this is one of the year's great seasonal recipes. This looks, smells, and tastes like a cool, sunny spring day.
    Chef John's Colcannon
    Colcannon is probably my favorite St. Patrick's Day recipe. It combines the lovely, spring-is-finally-here-greenness of kale and leeks with the always alluring comfort of buttery mashed potatoes.
    Chef John's Chicken French
    Chicken French has everything I love in a recipe. It's delicious and easy, frugal, yet fancy, and everyone loves it. Better yet, it has a vague, confusing history and completely preposterous name. This not-French recipe hails from the Rochester area of New York State, where it's a staple on virtually every Italian-American restaurant menu.