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  1. Jul 1, 2020 · Tactile fremitus is an assessment of the low-frequency vibration of a patient's chest, which is used as an indirect measure of the amount of air and density of tissue present within the lungs.

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  3. Vocal or tactile fremitus is the vibration produced by the voice and transmitted to the chest wall, where it is detected by the hand as a tactile vibration called fremitus. Fig. 12-7 presents one method of examination for vocal (tactile) fremitus for the posterior upper lobes.

    • Definition and Causes
    • Diagnosis of Tactile Fremitus
    • Clinical Applications of Tactile Fremitus
    • Limitations and Complications
    • Conclusion

    Definition of Tactile Fremitus

    Tactile fremitus is the vibration or palpable sensation that is felt on the chest wall when a patient speaks or breathes. The sensation is caused by the transmission of sound waves from the larynx and the upper respiratory tract to the lungs, where they are amplified by the lung tissue and transmitted back to the chest wall. The degree of vibration felt on the chest wall can be increased or decreased depending on various factors, including the density of lung tissue, the presence of fluid or...

    Causes of Increased Tactile Fremitus

    Increased tactile fremitus is usually associated with conditions that increase the density of lung tissue, such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema, or lung tumors. These conditions cause an increase in the transmission of sound waves through the lung tissue, resulting in a stronger vibration or palpable sensation on the chest wall.

    Causes of Decreased Tactile Fremitus

    Decreased tactile fremitus can be caused by conditions that reduce the density of lung tissue, such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma. These conditions result in a decrease in the transmission of sound waves through the lung tissue, resulting in a weaker or absent vibration or palpable sensation on the chest wall.

    Techniques used to Assess Tactile Fremitus

    Tactile fremitus is assessed by placing the palms of the hands firmly on the patient’s chest wall and asking the patient to speak or breathe. The examiner then feels for vibrations or palpable sensations on the chest wall. The assessment is typically done bilaterally, comparing one side of the chest to the other, to identify any asymmetries or differences between the two sides.

    Interpreting Tactile Fremitus Findings

    The findings of tactile fremitus assessment can provide important diagnostic information about the underlying respiratory condition. Increased tactile fremitus is usually associated with conditions that increase the density of lung tissue, while decreased tactile fremitus is associated with conditions that reduce the density of lung tissue. However, it is important to note that tactile fremitus findings should be interpreted in conjunction with other respiratory assessment techniques, such as...

    Importance of Combining Tactile Fremitus with other Respiratory Assessment Techniques

    Tactile fremitus is a valuable tool in the assessment of respiratory conditions, but it should be used in conjunction with other respiratory assessment techniques to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Auscultation and percussion can provide additional information about lung function and help to identify any abnormalities in lung sounds or resonance that may not be detected by tactile fremitus alone.

    Tactile Fremitus in the Diagnosis of Respiratory Conditions

    Tactile fremitus can be used to diagnose a range of respiratory conditions, including pneumonia, pulmonary edema, lung tumors, and pleural effusions. In pneumonia, for example, tactile fremitus is often increased over the affected area due to the consolidation of lung tissue. In contrast, in pleural effusions, tactile fremitus is typically decreased due to the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. Tactile fremitus can also be used to monitor the progression of respiratory conditions and...

    Use of Tactile Fremitus in Monitoring Respiratory Therapy and Treatment

    Tactile fremitus can be used to monitor the effectiveness of respiratory therapy and treatment, such as chest physiotherapy or bronchodilator therapy. Changes in tactile fremitus over time can indicate improvements in lung function and the resolution of respiratory conditions. However, it is important to note that tactile fremitus findings should be interpreted in conjunction with other respiratory assessment techniques to ensure an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

    Limitations of Tactile Fremitus Assessment

    Tactile fremitus assessment has several limitations. Firstly, it is a subjective technique that relies on the examiner’s interpretation of the vibrations or palpable sensations felt on the chest wall. This can lead to variability in the assessment findings between examiners. Secondly, factors such as obesity, air trapping, and chest wall thickness can affect the transmission of sound waves through the lung tissue, leading to inaccurate tactile fremitus findings. Finally, patients with respira...

    Complications Associated with Tactile Fremitus Assessment

    Tactile fremitus assessment is a non-invasive technique that does not typically have any associated complications. However, excessive pressure on the chest wall during the assessment can cause discomfort or pain for the patient, particularly in patients with chest wall injuries or recent surgeries. Care should be taken to ensure that the assessment is performed gently and without causing undue discomfort for the patient.

    In conclusion, tactile fremitus is a valuable tool in the assessment of respiratory conditions. It can provide important diagnostic information about the underlying respiratory condition and is a useful tool in monitoring respiratory therapy and treatment. However, tactile fremitus findings should be interpreted in conjunction with other respirator...

  4. Jul 4, 2023 · Vocal (tactile) fremitus is palpation of the chest wall to detect changes in the intensity of vibrations created with certain spoken words in a constant tone and voice indicating underlying lung pathology.

  5. Jan 2, 2019 · Palpation is the tactile examination of the chest from which can be elicited tenderness, asymmetry, diaphragmatic excursion, crepitus, and vocal fremitus. Local tenderness can indicate trauma or...

  6. Fremitus is the vibration or movement of a tooth when teeth come into contact together. If you were to take your fingernail and put it on the front surface of a tooth and have the patient close together, and the tooth moved, that’s fremitus.

  7. Mar 14, 2022 · This video explains the special respiratory assessment techniques tactile fremitus, bronchophony, egophony, and whispered pectoriloquy. It includes a demonstration of the techniques and...

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