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    • Paw. Your dog learns to place his paw in your outstretched hand; like a handshake, but better. Difficulty: Time: Prerequisite: Easy. 1 hour(s) Sit. Steps. At your dog’s level, hold a treat in a closed hand facing upwards.
    • Hand Touch. This trick teaches your dog to move towards your palm and bop it with their nose! Difficulty: Time: Prerequisite: Easy. 1 hour(s) None. Steps. Start off with both hands behind your back with your dog in front of you.
    • Spin. Your dog learns to walk in a tight circle on the cue ‘spin’ Difficulty: Time: Prerequisite: Medium. 2 hour(s) None. Steps. Have your dog positioned in a ‘heel’ position next to your leg and facing in the same direction as you.
    • Middle Trick. Teach your dog to come and stand between your legs and look up at you. Difficulty: Time: Prerequisite: Easy. 2 hour(s) None. Steps. Have your dog in front of you to start with.
    • Amy Bender
    • Give Kiss. Training a dog to kiss is one of the easiest tricks to teach. While not everyone enjoys a big, wet doggie smooch, this dog trick usually goes over very well with kids.
    • Speak. Training a dog to speak is fun and it helps to solve a common behavior problem. Many dog trainers recommend using the "speak" and "quiet" commands to put an end to excessive barking.
    • Back Up. Back up is a fun dog trick that can come in handy in a variety of situations. Once your dog knows how to back up on command, you can use it to keep them from rushing out the door, crowding you at the refrigerator, or just to entertain your friends.
    • Shake Paws. Have your dog greet your friends by shaking hands (or paws, as the case may be). This is an easy dog trick that you can usually train a dog to do in a few short training sessions.
  1. Jul 18, 2023 · Learning advanced tricks is a great way to challenge your dog. Once mastered, these advanced tricks are fun to show off, and they can also be counted toward earning AKC Trick Dog titles.

  2. Jan 8, 2024 · Looking for some awesome dog tricks? Check out 27 cool dog tricks (with videos) to get your family friend having a blast!

    • 1 min
    • Play Dead
    • Cover Up
    • Catch A Treat
    • Rollers
    • Catch Frisbee
    • Kiss
    • Hug
    • Weave Trick
    • Pick-Up Toys
    • Pick A Card!

    Suitable for:All ages. Best if the dog knows how to get down in command first (trick #6). Description: Of course, this ultimate crowd favorite is the first on the fun list. Get your pooch to act like they just passed out with the“play dead”trick. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. With a treat in your hand, lure your pup to the down position. ...

    Suitable for:All ages. Best for dogs who know how to roll over (trick #23). Description: This can be helpful in tucking an anxious or restless pup. Most of all, it’s an impressive trick that makes your pooch self-sufficient. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1st part (learning the foundations separately): 1. Practice over the blanket for an easi...

    Suitable for:All ages. Description: It looks like nothing but a simple trick. However, it actually improves your dog’s focus, timing, coordination, and balance. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. Prepare a handful of treats. And position your pooch in front of you. 2. Do it one treat at a time. Ensure they see you’re holding one. 3. Then, toss...

    Suitable for: All ages. Perfect exercise for senior pups (> 6 years old) who can no longer chase and jump objects. Description: This trick can teach a puppy how to track a moving disc. Which is a great pre-requisite trick for the next one. But for older pups who can no longer chase things in the air, this is perfect too. How to teach this trick to ...

    Suitable for:All ages. Best if the dog knows how to play rollers (trick #34). Description: This can help fill your and Fido’s exercise needs. So don’t be surprised to hear that dog parents get more exercise than non-parents. That’s exactly what this studydiscovered. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. Play rollers with them in the first 5 minut...

    Suitable for:All ages. Description: Ready the kiss cambecause this sweet trick will sway some hearts. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1st part (capturing kisses): 1. You have to catch this behavior. So prepare treats as much as possible. (For this, I trained my dog when I sensed she’s getting cuddly) 2. When your dog licks you in the face, say...

    Suitable for:All ages. Description: Everybody needs a hug. And that includes most dogs. So, why not teach them the most genuine way to show and strengthen friendships? How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. Get to your canine’s level (kneel or sit down in front of them). 2. Put a treat in one hand while you extend the other behind your dog’s head....

    Suitable for:All ages. Description: This trick is also commonly referred to as “Slalom.” It’s when your canine laces through your legs or several poles. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. You should start with a short course. Put up to 4 flexible poles or plastic cones. 2. Position your pooch in front of the first obstacle. 3. Then, extend you...

    Suitable for:All ages. Best for dogs who know how to fetch (trick #13). Description: Well, let’s put a fun trick into use, shall we? With this one, you can teach your pup to clean up after playtime. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. First, throw one of your pup’s toys across the room. And ask them to fetch it. 2. While they’re retrieving it, ...

    Suitable for:All ages. Description: If you have no one to show off your magic skills to, then your pup can volunteer with this trick. How to teach this trick to your dog: 1. Start with 1 card first. And hold it out to your dog’s face. 2. When they lean in to explore the card, mark the behavior with the clicker. 3. And immediately reward them with a...

  3. Oct 13, 2023 · When she's not putting pen-to-paper (or finger-to-keyboard) she's reading, in the gym, or taking her Dog Aunt title very seriously looking after the handful of four-legged creatures in her life. From sit and stay to whisper and wave, try out these quick and easy tricks to teach your dog.

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  5. Dec 13, 2023 · What tricks can I do with my dog? You can teach your dog a number of tricks, from easy to expert difficulty. Start with obedience training skills and level up to a peekaboo.

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