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  1. › wiki › ButrintiButrinti - Wikipedia

    Butrinti ndodhet në një kep të ulët në bregdetin jugperëndimor të Shqipërisë. Kjo qendër rezulton sipas specialistëve të arkeologjisë, të ketë qenë e banuar së paku që në shek. VII para Krishtit. Ndërkohë, mitet flasin për themelimin e Butrintit nga trojanët e shpërngulur.

  2. Butrinti, [ 1 ] ashtu si shumë qendra të tjera të rëndësishme arkeologjike në Shqipëri, u shpall Monument Kulture, që në vitin 1948 me një Akt të Parë rregullues për Monumentet e Kulturës.

  3. › wiki › ButrintButrint - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Ecclesiastical History
    • Archaeological Excavations
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    The earliest archaeological evidence of settled occupation dates to between 10th and 8th centuries BC, although some claim that there is earlier evidence of habitation dating from the 12th century BC.[need quotation to verify]

    Ancient Greek period

    Excavation at Bouthroton has yielded Proto-Corinthian pottery of the 7th century and then Corinthian and Attic pottery of the 6th century, however there are no indications of a prehistoric settlement. Bouthroton was in a strategically important position due its access to the Straits of Corfu, and its location at the crossroads of mainland Greece and Magna Graecia, the Greek and the "barbarian" worlds. Thus, it became one of the two ancient ports in lower Chaonia, the other being Onchesmos(mod...

    Ancient Roman period

    In the next century, it became a part of a province of Macedonia. In 44 BC, Caesar designated Buthrotum as a colony to reward soldiers who had fought for him against Pompey. Local landholder Titus Pomponius Atticus objected to his correspondent Cicerowho lobbied against the plan in the Senate. As a result, only small numbers of colonists were settled. In 31 BC, Roman Emperor Augustus fresh from his victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the battle of Actium renewed the plan to make Buthrot...

    Residential bishopric

    In the early 6th century, Buthrotum became the seat of a bishopric and new construction included the Buthrotum baptistery, one of the largest such paleochristian buildings of its type, and a basilica. The diocese of Buthrotum was initially a suffragan of the Metropolis of Nicopolis, the metropolitan capital of Epirus Vetus and in the papal sway, but in the 9th and 10th centuries it is listed with the suffragans of Naupaktos, which succeeded ruined Nicopolis as provincial capital and metropoli...

    Latin residential bishopric

    A Latin see was established circa 1250 under the Italian name Butrinto, functioning under Angevin and Venetian rule, but suppressed circa 1400. The 6th-century basilica was rebuilt by king Charles I of Naplesin 1267. Known Latin bishops 1. Nicola, O.P.(? – 1311.02.15) 2. Nicola, O.P. (1311.05.23 – ?) 3. Nicola da Offida, O.F.M.(? – 1349.06.15) 4. Francesco (? – ?) 5. Arnaldo Simone (? – 1355.02.13) 6. Giacomo, O.P. (1356.10.12 – ?) 7. Lazzarino, O.F.M. (1366.02.09 – ?)

    Catholic titular see

    Buthrotum is today listed by the Catholic Church as a Latin titular see since the diocese was nominally restored in 1933 as titular bishopricof Buthrotum (Latin) / Butrinto (Curiate Italian) / Butrint (Albanian). Following titular bishops have been nominated: 1. Louis-Bertrand Tirilly, SS.CC. (1953.11.16 – 1966.06.21) as last Apostolic Vicar of Marquesas Islands 2. George Frendo (7. 7. 2006 – 17. 11. 2016), O.P., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Tiranë–Durrës (Albania) (7. 7. 2006 – 17....

    The first modern archaeological excavations began in 1928 when the Fascist government of Benito Mussolini's Italy sent an expedition to Butrint. The aim was geopolitical rather than scientific, aiming to extend Italian hegemony in the area. The leader was an Italian archaeologist, Luigi Maria Ugolini who despite the political aims of his mission wa...

    The site of Butrint is accessible from Sarandë, along a road first built in 1959 for a visit by the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. This road was upgraded during the summer of 2010. The construction was somewhat of an environmental disaster and may yet threaten Butrint's World Heritage Site status. The ancient city is becoming a popular tourist de...

    Ceka N., Butrint: A guide to the city and its monuments(Migjeni Books) Tirana 2005)
    Crowson A., "Butrint from the Air", in Current World Archaeology14 (2006).
    Hansen, Inge Lyse and Richard Hodges, eds., Roman Butrint: An Assessment. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2007.
    Hodges, R.; Bowden, W.; Lako, K. (2004), Byzantine Butrint: Excavations and Surveys 1994–99 (PDF), Oxford: Oxbow Books
  4. › rreth-nesh › historiaHistoria - Butrint

    Në saj të vlerave të larta historiko-kulturore qyteti antik i Butrintit u përzgjodh fillimisht si Monument Kulture në vitin 1948, në ligjin e monumenteve të Kulturës së Shqipërisë. Ndërsa, në 1981 pylli i Butrintit është përshkruar nga ligjet shqiptare në ruajtje për rëndësinë e mjedisit.

  5. Butrinti është një nga qytetet lashta Shqipërisë. Me pozitë gjeografike të favorshme ai është më një kodër të gadishullit të Ksamilit, buzë liqenit me të njëjtin emër, rreth 15 kilometra në jug të Sarandës.

  6. The Butrint National Park comprises 9,424.4 ha (94.244 km 2) in Vlorë County located in the southwestern corner of Albania alongside the Ionian Sea within the Mediterranean Basin. It lies mostly between latitudes 39° and 44° N and longitudes 20° and 1° E.

  7. Qyteti antik, i shpallur në 1992 “Pasuri. Trashëgimisë Botërore” të UNESCO-s, sot ndodhet brenda Parkut Kombëtar të Butrintit. Ky park kombëtar ka një sipërfaqe totale prej 9424,04 ha dhe që prej vitit 2003 gëzon statusin zonë ligatinore me rëndësi ndërkombëtare - “Zonë RAMSAR”. Zona cilësohet si mjaft.

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