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  1. "The Old and New Testaments contradict one another in numerous places. If an omnipotent God inspired the Bible, He would never have allowed these errors." This is a common claim, one found all over the internet (especially on atheist and free-thought websites).

  2. Catholics, if we believed in something that—if the Bible is a revelation from God, it’s God’s word, and doctrine is found there, and Catholics believe something that contradicts what’s in the Bible, that would be a serious problem for Catholic theology.

  3. It’s a claim that a particular Catholic belief contradicts the Bible. Unlike the older challenge, where a Catholic wasn’t necessarily required to meet it because it operates on solely scripture, and that’s not a principle we operate on, this challenge demands that a Catholic meet it.

  4. 02/21/2021 at 4:26 PM Posted by Kevin Edward White. By Dr. Stuart Squires, Homiletic & Pastoral Review’ February 12, 2021. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI named the long list of questions that we Catholics confront in contemporary society the “canon of issues.”

  5. Catholic Faith contradicts the Bible, some Protestants will say. Karlo Broussard explains that this is a challenge Catholics must answer...

  6. The beliefs of Catholics are found in the Bible in two ways: explicit and implicit. Some teachings of the Catholic Church are easily found in the Bible. For example, that Jesus is the Son of God, that he called Twelve Apostles to follow him, that he healed, forgave sins, proclaimed the Kingdom of God present in his person, and that he suffered ...

  7. Catholics are often accused of arguing in a “vicious circle,” proving the Bible by the Church, and the Church by the Bible. We must be careful to avoid this by explaining that we put the Church before the Bible because the Church existed first and wrote and compiled the Bible. The authority of the Bible depends on that of the Church.

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