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  1. Death In The Afternoon Drink - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Death in the Afternoon Cocktail
    Food Network
    Although it shares the same name as Hemmingway's novel, this version of a classic champagne cocktail is so called because of the author's suggestion that you drink three to five of these in a row, which might indeed cause death in the afternoon.
    Death in the Afternoon
    Camper English, a San Francisco–based writer, developed this adaptation of a classic drink recipe to showcase the use of absinthe, but Ernest Hemingway gets credit for the recipe. His advice, circa 1935: "Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly." We recommend drinking fewer than five. You may also try pouring the absinthe on top instead—some brands of absinthe will float for a time on the Champagne, and this makes for a nifty visual effect.