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  1. First And Last Pizza Dough Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    No Fail Pizza Dough
    I call this "no fail" simply because I can do it! LOL All of my previous pizza dough attempts have always been failed attempts. I thought I had given up all together but my love for pizza, and big craving for it last week made me decide to give it one more try. So I looked at a lot of recipes that claimed to be easy or no-fail and carefully compared each ingredient before deciding which one to use. The final product turned out so good that I’ve made it 3 times since (yes within the last week!), and today I dared to make a couple minor changes to the original recipe… with great results! Hope you enjoy! Note: If you don’t have a pizza stone, this recipe works fine on a pizza pan too, I’ve tried 2 different pans in addition to the stone and all 3 ways had very comparable results.
    When my wife, Julie, and I got married, we knew there was only one place to go for our honeymoon: Italy. I was excited to take her to Gombitelli, the tiny town in the mountains near Lucca where my dad's side of the family came from. My great-grandparents, Angelo and Olimpia Gemignani, had left Gombitelli for America at the turn of the last century, and my Grandpa Frank was born right after they got off the boat. We meandered through the Tuscan countryside, following increasingly sketchy gravel roads and finally ending up on a narrow donkey trail that wound up the side of a steep mountain. I remembered this road from a visit I'd made seven years earlier. Since then, it seemed to have eroded and gotten even narrower. It was barely wide enough for a car, with a sheer drop along one side and, naturally, no guardrail. We came to a dead end, the front of the car facing a deep ravine, and an old man came out of his house, waving violently and screaming at us in Italian. I rolled down the window and said "Gemignani?" His expression changed from rage to joy as he motioned to follow him and raced off, back down the road, yelling "Gemignani! Gemignani!" I made the most terrifying U-turn of my life and followed him. The minute I saw the little house and farm, I had the same overwhelming feeling I'd had the first time I'd been there. It was like stepping into my grandpa's farm in California. Although he'd never even been to Italy, he had the blood of a Tuscan _contadino_—and there in front of me was his backyard in every detail: the same flowers, the lemon tree, the dogwood, the fava beans, the big wine jugs wrapped in straw, the rusty tools scattered around. That California farm and my grandpa are long gone, but in that moment, I was home again. My cousins had decided there was one thing they absolutely had to serve us for our welcome meal: pizza, of course. And this is the one they made. It was quite thin, almost like a toasted flatbread, and I've replicated that in this recipe by rolling the dough out and docking it, so you get a light, crisp crust that's just right with the gutsy _puttanesca_-style combination of crushed tomatoes, olives, garlic, and anchovies.
    Pesto & Applewood Bacon Pizza w/ Arugula-Apple Salad
    It all started out as, what I would call, another Mother Hubbard dinner. You might not be familiar with this term, (probably because I made it up - no, no......... not the nursery rhyme, just the dinner part) A Mother Hubbard dinner results from not planning, not even giving the evening meal a thought until the clock strikes FIVE! ................ and then scavenging through a somewhat desolate pantry, freezer and refrigerator trying to figure out what there might be to eat.I had one of these Mother Hubbard experiences one evening last week - I had a busy day and suddenly realized how fast the time had flown. I quickly looked to see what I might put together for dinner and this is what I found; one left-over pizza dough ball, some pesto (always in my freezer), a few bits of bacon and a small bag of arugula. My mind started whirling............. I grabbed an apple and some toasted pecans from the pantry and the next thing I knew, this Pesto & Applewood Bacon w/ Arugula-Apple Salad was evolving! .......................... oh my goodness, we LOVED it! We've been eating pizza all week - you see,the problem is, when I have an idea for a new recipe, I just can't stop until I have it just right. So Monday night was pizza night, again on Tuesday, yep, you guessed it, Wednesday the same thing! Then I needed to make it one more time to get pictures! Oh dear, our waistlines might not ever be the same! We've tested and tweaked the recipe and guess what? It's ready for YOU! I think you will enjoy it as much as we have - it's quite "fall-ish" - perfect after a lovely crisp walk, a long bike ride or maybe beside one of your first fires in the hearth! ENJOY!