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  1. Handpicked Top 3 Real Estate Lawyers in Kingston, ON. We check reputation, history, complaints, reviews, nearness, satisfaction, trust, cost to find you the best.

  2. If you are buying or selling a property located in Kingston or anywhere in Ontario, Real Estate LLP can assist you with the closing. Included in our flat-rate legal fee is one remote video signing appointment.

  3. If you’re looking for someone to help you out with your real estate needs, Hardtman & Martin Law Office is the perfect place to call. They can help you with buying, selling, and financing your mortgage. Their services are perfect for both residential and commercial real estate.

  4. How much does it cost to hire a real estate lawyer? Legal fees depend on how complicated the purchase transaction is, as well as the lawyer’s expertise. Most of the time, there will be a base fee that depends on the type of home (detached, condo, etc.) and then you’ll pay for disbursements (faxing, photocopying, etc.) and registration fees.

  5. Whether your property is a house, a condominium, cottage, or rental income property, we are here to help. Our real estate legal services include: Drafting or reviewing agreements and conveyance documents. Title searching and title repair. Rezoning and land severances.

  6. View the top attorneys in Best Lawyers in Kingston, Ontario for Real Estate Law and receive an overview of lawyer recognitions & more.

  7. Real Estate Legal Services, Wills, Estate Planning, & Power of Attorney. Sign Real Estate Documents from home with Electronic Video Signature.

  8. Aug 7, 2020 · Fees will vary depending on the state you live in and the lawyer’s level of experience. The real estate attorney cost could be a flat fee, though some lawyers charge an hourly rate. Keep reading for everything you may need to know about real estate attorneys and their fees.

  9. Average Real Estate Lawyer Fees in Ontario for house closing are between $450 to $1,500, depending on the transactions’ complexity. In addition, some real estate lawyers charge an hourly rate between $270 to $450 + HST per hour plus Law Office disbursements.

  10. Jul 10, 2023 · Depending on where they are located, real estate lawyers who charge by the hour may ask for anything between $150 and $400 an hour. Fixed fee attorneys might charge anywhere between $500 and $2000, depending on a number of contributing factors.

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