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  1. 20 Agustus - Senegal memisahkan diri dari Federasi Mali dan menyatakan kemerdekaannya. 25 Agustus – 11 September - Olimpiade Roma 1960. 14 September - OPEC didirikan di Bagdad, Irak. 22 September - Mali memperoleh kemerdekaan dari Prancis. 1 Oktober - Nigeria merdeka dari Britania Raya.

  2. The United Nations Operation in the Congo ( French: Opération des Nations Unies au Congo, abbreviated ONUC) was a United Nations peacekeeping force which was deployed in the Republic of the Congo in 1960 in response to the Congo Crisis. [1] The ONUC was the UN's first peacekeeping mission with significant military capability, and remains one ...

  3. 1960-an Masehi adalah dasawarsa pada Milenium ke-2 dan Abad ke-20 yang dimulai dari tanggal 1 Januari 1960 hingga tanggal 31 Desember 1969 .

  4. Mass killings began in October 1965, in the weeks following the coup attempt, and reached their peak over the remainder of the year before subsiding in the early months of 1966. They started in the capital, Jakarta, and spread to Central and East Java, and later Bali.

  5. 3 Agustus 1960 adalah tanggal resmi, Niger mendapat kemerdekaan penuh dari Prancis, sedangkan 18 Desember 1958 menandai berdirinya Republik dan penciptaan Kepresidenan Republik Niger, mengikuti perubahan konstitusional Republik Kelima Prancis, dan diadakannya pemilihan tanggal 4 Desember 1958 di kolonial Prancis.

  6. 0–9. 1960 in Indonesia ‎ (3 C, 3 P) 1961 in Indonesia ‎ (3 C, 4 P) 1962 in Indonesia ‎ (3 C, 2 P) 1963 in Indonesia ‎ (4 C, 2 P) 1964 in Indonesia ‎ (3 C, 4 P) 1965 in Indonesia ‎ (7 C, 11 P) 1966 in Indonesia ‎ (4 C, 3 P) 1967 in Indonesia ‎ (3 C, 2 P)

  7. Dec 22, 2017 · The year 1965 marked a dramatic turning point in Indonesian history. On 1 October, a shadowy group of left-wing military officers calling itself the 30 September Movement kidnapped and killed several right-wing generals. Surviving generals led by Suharto quickly suppressed the poorly organized group.

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