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  1. The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) is a species of penguin that inhabits a variety of islands and shores in the Southern Pacific and the Antarctic Oceans.

  2. The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) is a species of penguin that inhabits a variety of islands and shores in the Southern Pacific and the Antarctic Oceans. Its name stems from the narrow black band under its head, which makes it appear as if it were wearing a black helmet, making it easy to identify.

  3. Chinstrap Penguin. Find out why these Antarctic seabirds might be the ultimate city slickers. By Scott Elder. Common Name: Chinstrap Penguin. Scientific Name: Pygoscelis antarcticus. Diet:...

  4. The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) is a species of penguin which inhabits a variety of islands and shores in the Southern Pacific and the Antarctic Ocean. Its name derives from the narrow black band under its head which makes it appear as if it were wearing a black helmet, making it one of the most easily identified types of penguin.

  5. Instantly recognizable by the black band that gives them their name, chinstrap penguins are the most abundant penguin in the Antarctic, where they gather in massive breeding colonies.

  6. The chinstrap penguin is an abundant black-and-white penguin of the South Atlantic Antarctic sector. It is medium-sized for a penguin, and easily recognisable by the narrow band of black feathers that passes from ear to ear across the face, under the chin.

  7. Trend justification: The species expanded its range and its population in the mid-20th century, potentially owing to increased prey (krill) availability (del Hoyo et al. 1992). It is currently decreasing at most sites on the Antarctic Peninsula, except at the southern extreme of its range where it is increasing.

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