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    • Jumping into the new year. If you plan to spend New Year's Eve in Denmark, don't be alarmed when you see Danes standing on chairs just before midnight.
    • Hitting the cat out of the barrel at Fastelavn. In February, we celebrate Fastelavn which is a mash up of Halloween and carnival. Children dress up in costumes and hit a cat out of a barrel.
    • Our special Easter letters. Our Easter letters (or gækkebreve as we call them) are truly Danish. Since the18th century, young Danes have folded and cut intricate patterns into paper and written short, ryhming poems inside.
    • Burning a witch on Sankt Hans aften. On the 23rd of June, we celebrate Midsummer by gathering around bonfires up and down the country. We sing songs such as Midsommervisen by Holger Drachmann, and listen to the live bands that usually play at our public events, all whilst enjoying a couple of drinks with our friends.
  1. U.S. traditions such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving are also becoming more popular in Denmark. From Christmas and Easter to Fastelavn and Midsummer - the Danes love to gather and celebrate the historical traditions. Learn more about Denmark's many traditions.

  2. The culture of Denmark has a rich artistic and scientific heritage. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875), the philosophical essays of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), the short stories of Karen Blixen, penname Isak Dinesen, (1885–1962), the plays of Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754), modern authors such as Herman Bang and Nobel laureate Henrik Pontoppidan and the dense ...

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  4. Danish Work Culture: In Danish workplaces, collaboration, flexibility, and informality reign supreme, fostering a culture of innovation, equality, and work-life balance. 10. Traditional Clothing: From complex folk costumes to eternal attire, Danish clothing reflects a blend of tradition, elegance, and practicality, displaying the country’s ...

    • LGBT. The Danish government is keen on social equality. Part of the equality is sexual equality whereby same-sex marriages are recognized by law. Danes are accommodative to sexual minorities.
    • Fine Arts And Performing Arts. Danish culture manifested in the form of art is highly diversified. It is manifested in paintings, sculptures, architecture, and literature.
    • Danish Games. The Danes are actively involved in sports. Football is one of the country’s most popular sports. Denmark has over 1,600 football clubs with more than 320,000 players.
    • Danish Cuisine. Danish cuisine is highly seasonal due to the nation’s climate of long and snowy winters. Most meals consist of fish, meat, and potatoes.
  5. Påske – Easter. Easter is an important holiday in Denmark and is typically celebrated with a number of traditions and activities. Many families gather for a large Easter lunch featuring dishes such as boiled eggs, smoked salmon, and pickled herring. In the morning, it is common for children to go on an Easter egg hunt, with children ...

  6. Throughout, Denmark’s outstanding human rights record, democratic institutions, and humanistic traditions are clear. By illuminating Danish culture and clarifying misperceptions, this work fosters a greater appreciation of Denmark, its people, and their way of life.

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