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  1. In our Coptic Church, we have St. Rebecca and St. Dolagi, plus many more unknown to us. It is noteworthy to mention that when the angel appeared to St. Macarius, he told him to go to Alexandria to find the two married women who have reached a higher degree of piety than him.

  2. Oct 16, 2013 · In order to answer this question, as Orthodox Christians, we have to clarify the service (ministry) of the ordained deacon (male diaconate), as well as discuss the service (ministry) of the deaconess (female diaconate) and what happened to it.

  3. Feb 1, 2016 · In the Orthodox Church, marriage is a great mystery, because it is the human image of the “the great mystery of Christ and the Church.” (Eph. 6:21-33) The union in love of one man and one woman is made eternal by the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Marriage.

  4. Clerical celibacy is the requirement in certain religions that some or all members of the clergy be unmarried. Clerical celibacy also requires abstention from deliberately indulging in sexual thoughts and behavior outside of marriage, because these impulses are regarded as sinful.

  5. Historically, our Orthodox Church has Her roots in patriarchal societies, which often times obscure the dignity of women as co-workers, yet it is not the true vision of the Church. To understand the role of women now, we must go back to the beginning of creation.

  6. Jan 4, 2022 · Coptic Church beliefs hold that both God and people play a role in salvation. Learn how Egyptian believers practice their faith today.

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  8. Aug 26, 2020 · Contrary to timeless perceptions and realities, which want women to be marginalized, the Church suspends any discrimination between the sexes by considering men and women as equal members of a Body, endowed with the same spiritual gifts and with a common goal of Communion with God.

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