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  1. Check out this fantastic collection of Cersei Lannister wallpapers, with 46 Cersei Lannister background images for your desktop, phone or tablet.

  2. [310+] Explore the majestic and mesmerizing world of Cersei Lannister through a stunning collection of desktop wallpapers, phone wallpapers, gifs, and fan art. Dive into her unforgettable character with this captivating gallery of visual masterpieces.

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    "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

    ―Cersei Lannister to Eddard Stark

    Queen Cersei I Lannister was the twentieth ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the widow of King Robert Baratheon. She was the daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister, twin sister of Jaime Lannister and elder sister of Tyrion Lannister. She was involved in an incestuous relationship with Jaime, who was secretly the father of her three bastard children, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen.

    After all her children died, Cersei assumed the throne, making her the first officially recognized queen regnant in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. Her reign came to an abrupt end during the Battle of King's Landing, where she and Jaime were killed. She was the last monarch to sit on the Iron Throne.


    Cersei was the only daughter and eldest child of Lord Tywin and Lady Joanna Lannister. Cersei was the elder twin of Jaime Lannister and the elder sister of Tyrion Lannister. She was raised in the family seat of Casterly Rock. She was known for her great beauty as a young girl. Cersei's mother died when she was four years old, after giving birth to her younger brother Tyrion. Like her father, Cersei always blamed Tyrion for her mother's death and deeply resented that her mother died so that Tyrion would be brought into the world. Tywin was constantly away from home during Cersei’s childhood and teenage years, serving as Hand of the King at the capital, with only infrequent visits back to his seat at Casterly Rock. Coupled with the death of her mother, this meant that Cersei and her two brothers were primarily raised by servants attached to House Lannister. She began an incestuous relationship with Jaime in her youth which continued despite her marriage. While Cersei had other partners in King’s Landing, Jaime always kept himself strictly for her. When she was about fifteen, Cersei and her friend Melara visited Maggy, a woods witch and reputed fortune teller dwelling in a hut deep in a forest close to Casterly Rock. Melara was reluctant, but Cersei convinced her to go. After rudely awakening her and insisting on having her future foretold, Maggy tasted a drop of her blood and revealed to Cersei she wouldn't marry "the Prince" but "the King", and while the king would have twenty children, she would bear only three children who will wear golden crowns as well as golden shrouds. Finally, she revealed to Cersei that although she would indeed be Queen, she would be cast down by another, younger and more beautiful queen. After the end of the civil war which ended the reign of House Targaryen, Cersei was married to King Robert Baratheon, a political marriage Robert agreed to in thanks for her father's last-minute alliance. She was only 19 when she married Robert and became Queen. At first, Cersei was infatuated with the handsome Robert, but their love began to wane when he called her "Lyanna" on their wedding night. She nevertheless bore Robert a son who died shortly after his birth. Cersei was devastated by the loss of her son and refused to have the body taken from her, forcing Robert to hold her while they took her son from her. In time, Cersei's feelings for Robert turned to hatred and she returned to her brother as a result. Her three children, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen, were officially Robert's, but in reality were the products of her incestuous relationship with Jaime.

    Game of Thrones: Season 1

    In King's Landing, Queen Cersei watches the Silent Sisters preparing the body of Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, for burial. She and her twin brother, Jaime, discuss the situation and wonder if Jon told anyone else about what he had discovered. Jaime tells her not to worry, since if the king knew the truth they'd be dead already, and that Robert will simply choose a new Hand of the King everything will go on as normal. She suggests that Jaime could be the next Hand, but Jaime refuses, citing the position as too much responsibility and danger. King Robert decides to travel to Winterfell and ask his best friend, Lord Eddard Stark, to become the new Hand, as well as proposing that his son Joffrey marry Eddard's eldest daughter, Sansa. Cersei, Jaime, and a retinue of courtiers accompany him. When the royal party arrives at Winterfell (the seat of House Stark) a month later, Eddard presents his household to Robert and Cersei, who is greeted much more formally than Robert. After initial greetings, Robert demands to see the crypts and pay his respects to his former betrothed, Lyanna Stark, stoking Cersei's impatience, eager to rest after a month's travel. After Robert and Eddard depart, Cersei sends Jaime to find their younger brother Tyrion, who has become distracted at the local brothel. That evening, a great feast is held and Cersei and Catelyn Stark exchange cordial words. Cersei seems impressed by Sansa, thinking that she will be a great success at court. The next morning, Eddard and Robert go hunting, leaving the castle largely empty. Cersei and Jaime liaise in derelict tower. Bran Stark climbs the tower and finds them engaged in sexual intercourse. He is caught watching by Cersei, and Jaime grabs him. Whilst Cersei immediately becomes worried that their secret will be exposed, Jaime feigns Bran with a sense of safety. He asks how old Bran is. When Bran replies "ten", Jaime sighs and pushes him out of the window, musing, "The things I do for love." A month later, at breakfast, Tyrion tells his family that Bran is expected to live and notes his sibling's guarded reactions to the news. Cersei notes that it no mercy to let the boy live, after which Tyrion snidely remarks that only the Gods know his fate. Tyrion then crudely tells his family what he plans to do whilst at the Wall, and although Tommen and Myrcella laugh, Cersei ushers them away from his "filth." In response to Tyrion's information, Cersei visits Catelyn, who is sitting vigil for Bran. Cersei tells Catelyn that her first child, a beautiful, black-haired boy, died of a fever. She and Robert were grief-stricken and her prayers and tears were for naught. She offers to pray for Bran's survival, hoping that this time the gods will listen. The royal party sets out for King's Landing, now joined by Eddard, Sansa and Arya. However, an incident between Arya's direwolf and Joffrey on the Kingsroad escalates into an argument between Cersei and Eddard. Robert defuses the situation by agreeing that he and Eddard will attend to their own discipline. Cersei insists that the direwolf must be killed. When Nymeria cannot be found (Arya having driven her off to protect her), Cersei has Sansa's wolf, Lady, killed instead. A furious Eddard attends to the matter himself to spare Lady a much more grisly death at the hands of Ilyn Payne. Arriving back at court, Cersei talks to Joffrey about the incident on the Kingsroad. She tells him that when he is king, the truth will be whatever he decides it will be. Joffrey tells her that he thinks there will be trouble with the Starks, and that when he is king he'll double their taxes, force them to contribute to a standing army and, if they should object, he'd crush them. Cersei elucidates that the North is too vast and wild to be militarily conquered by outsiders. She cautions Joffrey that he will need to be cleverer as king. She also advises him to be kind to Sansa to avoid causing trouble for later, and concludes that "anyone who isn't us is an enemy." A raven arrives in King's Landing with news of Bran's recovery. Cersei fears he will expose their secret, but Jaime comforts her. At the tournament, a drunken Robert embarrasses Cersei, causing her to leave. She visits Eddard at his chambers, remarking at how the Hand is not at his own tournament. Though Cersei attempts to start the conversation in an attempt to put the incident on the Kingsroad behind them, Eddard correctly deduces that she has an ulterior motive for her visit. Cersei then wonders aloud to Eddard what his true purpose is for being at King's Landing, as she knows how little Starks enjoy being in the capital. When Eddard tells her he is there to faithfully serve their King, Cersei remarks that just as his brother Brandon was born to lead, Eddard was born to follow. Cersei and Robert share a drink and discuss the threat from the Dothraki now that Daenerys Targaryen is married and pregnant. Cersei also tells Robert that at the start of their marriage she truly loved him, even after their first boy died, for quite a while. He says he knows, but could never love her back due to his feelings for Lyanna Stark. Cersei and King Robert visit Eddard as he recovers from wounds sustained fighting Jaime and his guards. Cersei is furious with Eddard for having her brother Tyrion arrested and for fighting with Jaime, but Eddard is unrepentant. Finding Robert unresponsive to this, she scolds him. He then hits her across the face, leaving an obvious mark. She marks that this only increases her integrity, but Robert threatens her to silence, promising to hit her again if she speaks of it. Eddard confronts Cersei and tells her he knows her children are fathered by Jaime. She does not deny it, instead saying that she and her brother belong together, always. Cersei says she did love Robert at first, but on their wedding night he whispered Lyanna's name, which soured their relationship afterwards. Eddard advises her to leave King's Landing before Robert returns from a hunt, as he will then tell Robert the truth. Cersei instead warns him that "In the game of thrones, you win or you die." Robert is mortally wounded on the hunt. Cersei is concerned that Eddard will tell Robert the truth, but Ned chooses to spare his friend further pain. Robert names Eddard Protector of the Realm and regent. Upon Robert's death Cersei quickly installs Joffrey on the throne. Eddard tries to reveal the truth with the help of Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish, but Baelish betrays him and sides with Cersei. Eddard is arrested and imprisoned, while his guards are killed. Cersei persuades Sansa to write a letter asking her brother Robb to bend the knee to Joffrey in return for her father's life. Sansa agrees, but the plan backfires, as the letter merely encourages Robb to raise an army and march into the Riverlands to confront the Lannister armies directly. In open court, Cersei encourages Sansa to make a new plea to Joffrey for her father's life. Joffrey agrees to spare him and let him join the Night's Watch, if Eddard recants the claims he has made about Joffrey not being the true king. Sansa is sure he will. Cersei is present at the Sept of Baelor when Eddard Stark 'confesses' his crimes, in accordance with the arrangement brokered by Sansa and Varys. She is visibly horrified when Joffrey arrogantly flouts the arrangement and instead demands Eddard's decapitation. Knowing that this will only lead to another war, she frantically tries to persuade her son to reconsider, but the order is nonetheless carried out by Ser Ilyn Payne, the royal executioner. Sure enough, war erupts between the Lannister and Stark armies in the Riverlands and Cersei attempts to secure her son's hold on the Iron Throne. She takes a new lover, her cousin Lancel who was King Robert's squire and gave him the wine that made him too drunk to slay the boar that killed him. She also receives a letter informing her of Jaime's capture by Robb Stark.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    Cersei continues to govern from King's Landing as the Queen Regent to Joffrey. She is driven to defend Joffrey's claim in the face of several challengers in the War of the Five Kings. Facing imminent winter, she orders the city gates barred to prevent further refugees from entering the city. She is perturbed by the arrival of her brother Tyrion, who has been named acting Hand of the King by their father Tywin Lannister. She fears that Tyrion schemes to usurp her power and is frustrated when he tells her that since she failed to prevent the death of Eddard Stark, she has been viewed as the disappointing child by Tywin. Tyrion wins her temporary acceptance when he pledges to free Jaime from captivity, but insists that they need to find the fugitive Arya Stark in order to facilitate a prisoner exchange. Stannis Baratheon sends copies of a letter detailing Cersei's incestuous relationship with Jaime and the illegitimacy of her children to high lords throughout the seven kingdoms, fueling widespread rumors. Cersei tasks Petyr Baelish with recovering Arya and is enraged when Baelish dares to reference the rumors. She asks Joffrey to enlist the aid of Tywin in the search, but he refuses to involve his grandfather. He provokes an argument with Cersei about the rumors and threatens her life when she slaps him. He then orders a citywide massacre of Robert Baratheon's bastard children so that he will have no rival claimants in case his true parentage is revealed. Cersei rejects King Robb Stark's peace terms and refuses a request for aid from the Night's Watch, ignoring news of wights attacking the Lord Commander Mormont. Tyrion ousts Lord Janos Slynt as commander of the City Watch for his part in the massacre as well as his betrayal of Ned Stark. Cersei angrily confronts him for displacing her loyal servant. He warns her to consider the importance of the support of her subjects; she is dismissive of his concerns but becomes upset at the weight of responsibility she has born. Tyrion mocks her relationship with Jaime. She ends the discussion by saying that Tyrion's finest joke was killing their mother when he was born. Tyrion tests the loyalty of the remaining Small Council members by feeding each of them a different marriage plan for Myrcella. Pycelle dutifully informs Cersei of Tyrion's plans to marry Myrcella into House Martell of Dorne despite his promise to keep them secret. Cersei confronts Tyrion who insists that the alliance is necessary and that Myrcella will be safer in Dorne. He then has Pycelle arrested for breaking his confidence. Tyrion sends Petyr Baelish to negotiate with Catelyn Stark, leaving Varys as the last active member of Cersei's Small Council in the city. Robb Stark wins a major victory at the Battle of Oxcross. Joffrey responds by having Sansa Stark publicly beaten, sparing her only because of Cersei's orders, that if Sansa is killed the Starks will exact vengeance on his uncle Jaime. Tyrion intervenes and halts the ordeal, causing further deterioration in his relationship with Joffrey. Cersei issues a warrant demanding the release of Pycelle. She tasks her lover and cousin Lancel Lannister with delivering it to Tyrion. Lancel arrives in the middle of the night, and Tyrion asks why he waited so long to deliver the message. When Lancel says he just came from Cersei, Tyrion notices Lancel smells of Cersei's favorite perfume, and threatens to expose their relationship to Joffrey unless Lancel agrees to become his double agent, reporting everything Cersei does. Cersei is pleased when she learns of King Renly Baratheon's death. Tyrion considers it a sign of an imminent attack by his brother King Stannis Baratheon, who has assumed control of Renly's army. Cersei refuses to discuss measures for the defense of the city and remains irate about the marriage pact with Dorne. Tyrion learns from Lancel that Cersei is relying on the Alchemists' Guild to supply Wildfire to defend the city and supplants her relationship with the Guild. Cersei and the court assemble at the shore of the Blackwater Bay for the departure of Princess Myrcella. Cersei remains livid about Tyrion's arrangements for her daughter. She threatens to one day deprive him of someone he loves. As they move through the city to return to the Red Keep they are confronted by angry crowds of starving smallfolk. Joffrey is hit by thrown excrement and triggers a riot by demanding that his guards kill everyone in the crowd. Tyrion marshals the Lannister guards to lead them to safety. Upon learning that Sansa has flowered for the first time, Cersei summons Sansa and offers her advice on motherhood. Cersei tells her to love only her children, since love makes you weak, although it is a mother's obligation to love her children. Sansa asks if she should love Joffrey; Cersei replies that she is welcome to try. Cersei meets with Tyrion to discuss the imminent attack of King's Landing by King Stannis Baratheon. She admits her struggles controlling Joffrey and openly references her relationship with Jaime. She confides her fear that Joffrey's madness is the price for her sins, including her incestuous relationship. Tyrion tries to comfort her by telling her that Tommen and Myrcella are good, decent children. Joffrey is keen to fight in defense of the city. Cersei is furious and suspects Tyrion of trying to kill her son. She mistakenly identifies Ros as his lover because of the Lannister necklace Tyrion gave her and seizes the opportunity to deliver on the threat she made when Myrcella left. Cersei has the prostitute kidnapped as insurance against Tyrion placing Joffrey in harms way. She reveals her ploy over dinner and Tyrion vows to free Ros and take revenge when Cersei least suspects it. Cersei provides refuge for the women of the court in Maegor's Holdfast during the battle. She prepares for the worst by having Ser Ilyn Payne present and obtaining deadly essence of nightshade poison from the reinstated Pycelle. She drinks heavily during the siege and torments Sansa Stark when she tries to keep up the morale of the women by praying. She tells Sansa that the gods have no mercy and that Ser Ilyn is there to kill them should the Red Keep be breached. Lancel is wounded and returns from the walls to report that Stannis has reached the Mud Gate, despite Tyrion's ingenious use of Wildfire to destroy a large portion of his fleet. Cersei sends Lancel to bring Joffrey back to the Red Keep, ignoring his protests that it will damage morale. Joffrey willingly leaves the field but his exit is a blow to the men. Lancel begs Cersei to let him return Joffrey to the front, believing the battle is lost otherwise. Cersei pushes him into a stone pillar, aggravating his injury, and storms out. Convinced the battle is lost, and not wanting her children to die by Stannis's hand, she takes Tommen to the Iron Throne room and prepares to poison him. She is stopped just in time by the unexpected arrival of Tywin, who reports that they have won the battle. Tyrion is betrayed and wounded by Ser Mandon Moore of the Kingsguard during the fighting. Tyrion's role in defending the city is not acknowledged and he is left to recover from his wounds, stripped of his power. Rumors circulate that Cersei ordered the attack on Tyrion. No longer considering Tyrion a threat, Cersei releases Ros. Cersei orchestrates a public ceremony rewarding those who aided the city in the battle. Tywin is officially recognized as Hand of the King, Petyr Baelish is named Lord of Harrenhal for brokering the alliance with House Tyrell and Ser Loras is offered a favor of his choosing. He asks Joffrey to marry his sister, Margaery Tyrell. Joffrey says that he is constrained by his betrothal to Sansa but Cersei intervenes to insist that the treachery of House Stark frees him from any obligation. The court welcome the decision with a round of applause.

    "My sister was an evil woman."

    ―Tyrion's opinion on Cersei

    Cersei is ruthless, willful, cold, ambitious, and cunning in the sense that she is utterly willing to betray anyone who trusts her, or do anything to protect her own. However, she is also arrogant and self-centered to a fault, which has proven to be one of her greatest weaknesses. While she certainly believes herself to be a master strategist, she is extremely impatient, short-sighted, and prone to displays of poor judgment and poor leadership, resulting in her being both unskilled at manipulating enemies who openly distrust her and incapable of thinking about the long-term consequences of her actions. Cersei's own father Tywin stated to her that he distrusts her because she isn't nearly as intelligent as she believes herself to be. This makes for a dangerous combination, as not only is Cersei not as intelligent as she thinks, but she does not even realize her own limitations.

    However, she is not completely devoid of tact. Despite their blatant attempt to deceive her and collect the reward on her brother, Cersei opts not to punish a pair of bounty hunters to avoid discouraging the other hunters from finding Tyrion and acknowledges that mistakes will be made.

    Cersei's schemes may work initially, but they have a tendency to backfire on her; this happens because she while has a good amount of tactical ability, she utterly lacks the strategic ability necessary for her role as queen. She was partially successful in her scheme to have Ned Stark falsely confess to treason before exiling him to the Wall in order to keep the North and the Riverlands in line. However, she failed to predict that Joffrey would be so foolish as to start a war by having Ned executed instead. Her scheme to undermine the Tyrells' plot to marry Loras to Sansa backfires on her when Tywin insists that Cersei will marry Loras instead, and coerces the Tyrells into consenting by threatening to have Loras appointed to the Kingsguard if they don't. After Tywin's death, she thinks she can co-opt the Sparrows into undermining the Tyrells, which briefly succeeds by having Loras and then Margaery imprisoned by the Faith Militant, but this plan ultimately backfired on her as well when she too was imprisoned and force to perform a walk of atonement. In this particular case, the combination of Cersei's own ego, as well as her belief that the Sparrows were loyal to her alone, did not allow her to comprehend that the same tactics she used against the Tyrells could also be used against her. Cersei's plan to destroy the Faith Militant and the Tyrells backfires on her as well with the suicide of Tommen, her last living child. Finally, Cersei's scheme to betray the Targaryens and the North after the parley of King's Landing has already backfired somewhat with Jaime abandoning her. Ultimately, it did backfire in the worst possible way, as during the Battle of King's Landing, she completely and utterly lost, all of her scheming was for nothing.

    A mistake outsiders, such as Sansa, often make when dealing with Cersei is assuming that Cersei has the dignified personality, emotional maturity, and regal wisdom of a queen, or at least an adult, when her real personality is closer to a petty, petulant, and vindictive child in an adult's body (indeed, Lena Headey has stated that she plays Cersei as having the mind of a wayward 15 year old who never had any real parenting). With her mother dead at a young age and her father away at court (and a cold disciplinarian anyway), Cersei was functionally raised by servants. In public, Cersei often tries to exude a sense of calm and regal control over her surroundings. When things do not go her own way, however, Cersei's usual response is to become childishly flippant, even when the assembled Small Council is trying to give her advice which would genuinely serve her own interests.

    Spoken by Cersei

    "Someday, you'll sit on the throne, and the truth will be what you make it." ―Cersei "Everyone who isn't us is an enemy." ―Cersei to her son, Joffrey Baratheon. Cersei Lannister: "You're just a soldier, aren't you? You take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense. Your older brother was trained to lead, and you were trained to follow." Eddard Stark: "I was also trained to kill my enemies, your Grace." Cersei Lannister: "As was I." — Exchange between Cersei and Eddard Stark. "I shall wear this as a badge of honor." ―Cersei to Robert Baratheon. "Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep bloodlines pure. Jaime and I are more than brother sister. Came into this world together, we belong together." ―Cersei to Eddard Stark "You want to be Hand of the King? You want to rule? This is what ruling is; lying on a bed of weeds, ripping them out by the root, one by one, before they strangle you in your sleep!" ―Cersei "One day I pray you love someone. I pray you love her so much, when you close your eyes, you see her face. I want that for you. I want you to know what it's like to love someone, truly love someone, before I take her from you." ―Cersei threatens Tyrion as they watch Myrcella being taken to Dorne. "The more people you love, the weaker you are." ―Cersei to Sansa Stark "Sometimes I wonder if this is the price, for what we've done, for our sins." ―Cersei to her brother Tyrion Lannister "The gods have no mercy, that's why they're gods." ―Cersei to Sansa Stark "Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs." ―Cersei to Sansa Stark "If I wanted to kill to you, do you think I'd let a wooden door stop me?" ―Cersei to her brother Tyrion Lannister "If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep." ―Cersei to Margaery Tyrell "Nobody cares what your father once told you." ―Cersei to Loras Tyrell "Start trying to work out who deserves what and before long you’ll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world." ―Cersei to Tyrion Lannister "Even Joffrey. He was all I had once. Before Myrcella was born. I used to spend hours looking at him. His wisps of hair, his tiny little hands and feet. He was such a jolly little fellow. You always hear the terrible ones were terrible babies. ‘We should have known, even then we should have known.’ It’s nonsense. Whenever he was with me, he was happy. And no one can take that away from me — not even Joffrey." ―Cersei "What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?" ―Cersei to Oberyn Martell. "Joffrey is dead, Myrcella's been sold like livestock, and now you want to ship me off to Highgarden and steal my boy... my last boy. Margaery will dig her claws in and you will dig your claws in and you'll fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart! I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen!" ―Cersei to her father Tywin Lannister "Look at me! Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die." ―Cersei to the septas after she is arrested. "I will not kneel before some bare-footed commoner and beg his forgiveness!" ―Cersei Lancel: "Order your man to step aside, or there'll be violence." Cersei: "I choose violence." — Cersei and Lancel. "I do things because they feel good. I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fucking my brother, because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites. I killed your High Sparrow... and all his little sparrows... all his septons, all his septas, all his filthy soldiers, because it felt good to watch them burn. It felt good to imagine their shock and their pain. No thought has ever given me greater joy." ―Cersei to Septa Unella. "Enemies to the east... enemies to the west... enemies to the south... enemies to the north... Whatever stands in our way, we will defeat it... We're the last Lannisters. The last ones who count." ―Cersei to Jaime. "I don't care about checking my worst impulses, I don't care about making the world a better place. Hang the world." ―Cersei to Tyrion. "You want a whore, buy one. You want a queen, earn her." ―Cersei to Euron Greyjoy "I want our baby to live. I want our baby to live. I want our baby to live. Don't let me die, Jaime. Please don't let me die. Please don't let me die. I don't want to die. Not like this. Not like this. Not like this." ―Cersei's last words, to Jaime

    Spoken about Cersei

    Salladhor Saan: "Cersei. I want her. I'll sail with your fleet, all 30 of my ships, and if we don't drown at the bottom of Blackwater Bay, I'll fuck this blond queen and I'll fuck her well." Mathos Seaworth: "This war isn't about you. We're not attacking King's Landing so that you can rape the Queen!" Salladhor Saan: "I'm not going to rape her, I'm going to fuck her." Mathos Seaworth: " As if she would just let you?!" — Exchange between Salladhor Saan and Matthos Seaworth regarding Cersei. "I don't distrust you because you're a woman. I distrust you because you're not as smart as you think you are." ―Tywin Lannister to his daughter Cersei. "You're a hateful woman. Why have the gods made me love a hateful woman?" ―Jaime Lannister to his sister Cersei. "Lies come easily to you. Everyone knows that, but innocence, decency, concern, you're not very good at those, I'm afraid. Perhaps that's why your son was so eager to cast you aside for me." ―Margaery Tyrell to her mother-in-law Cersei. "I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met. At a certain age, it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years. Do you remember the way you smirked at me when my grandson and granddaughter were dragged off to their cells? I do. I'll never forget it." ―Olenna Tyrell to Cersei Qyburn: "I now proclaim Cersei of the House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may She reign." Audience in the Great Hall: "Long may She reign." — Cersei's coronation Sansa Stark: "You're the military man, but I know her. If you're her enemy, she'll never stop until she's destroyed you. Everyone who's ever crossed her, she's found a way to murder." Jon Snow: "You almost sound as if you admire her." Sansa Stark: "I learned a great deal from her. " — Sansa Stark warning Jon Snow to take the threat of Cersei seriously. Olenna Tyrell: "Your sister has done things I wasn't capable of imagining. That was my prize mistake, a failure of imagination. She's a monster, you do know that?" Jaime Lannister: "To you, I'm sure. To others as well. But after we've won and there's no one left to oppose us, when people are living peacefully in the world she built, do you really think they'll wring their hands over the way she built it?" Olenna Tyrell: "You love her. You really do love her. You poor fool. She'll be the end of you" Jaime Lannister: "Possibly. Not much to be gained from discussing it with you though, is there?" — Exchange between Olenna Tyrell and Jaime Lannister after the Lannisters sack Highgarden Tyrion Lannister: "Did you speak with her?" Jaime Lannister: "At her, until she kicked me out. She thinks I was an idiot to trust you. A lot of people seem to think that actually." Tyrion Lannister: "I'm about to step into a room with the most murderous woman in the world who's already tried to kill me twice, that I know of. Who's an idiot?" — Tyrion and Jaime discuss Cersei's unwillingness to take the Army of the Dead seriously "I don't believe you." ―Jaime turning on Cersei after she threatened to kill him. Tyrion Lannister: " Cersei told me the pregnancy had changed her. A chance for you both to start again. And I believed her. Was she lying about the baby too?" Jaime Lannister: "No, that part is real. She's always been good at using the truth to tell lies. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. She's fooled me more than anybody.What?" Tyrion Lannister: "She never fooled you. You always knew exactly what she was, and you loved her anyway." — Tyrion and Jaime discuss Cersei's manipulation of them for her own gains "At least Cersei won't get to murder me. I'm sure I'll feel some satisfaction denying her that pleasure while I'm being ripped apart by dead men." ―Tyrion finds some bleak humor at the prospect of the Army of the Dead denying Cersei the pleasure of killing him. " I know you don't care about your people. Why should you? They hate you and you hate them. You're not a monster. I know this. I know this because I've seen it. You've always loved your children, more than yourself, more than Jaime. More than anything. I beg you, if not for yourself, then for your child. Your reign is over...but that doesn't mean your life has to end. It doesn't mean your baby has to die." ―Tyrion pleads with Cersei to surrender King's Landing and the Iron Throne

    Actress Lena Headey became pregnant just before Season 1 began filming. However, the production team was so enthusiastic about her performance, and the larger scale concern of having Headey play Cersei for several years, that they didn't recast the role but instead worked around her pregnancy by, for example, keeping the camera frame above her waist or having her sit at a table. For wide shots when Cersei is walking around, notice that most of Cersei's costumes in Season 1 have large billowing sleeves which she carries in front of her to hide her pregnancy. At other times, body doubles were shot from behind in quick-cuts. This may also explain why Cersei's sex scene with Jaime isn't as involved as it is in the books, in which they are both completely naked and have an extended conversation intermixed with lovemaking. In the TV series, Cersei and Jaime are mostly clothed, with Jaime simply pulling her dress up, and Jaime is taking her from behind, so the viewer can't see that the actress is pregnant.

    The TV producers actually made it a point never to show Cersei naked since the beginning of the TV series, even during sex scenes, specifically to make it more shocking when her penance walk would occur years later (ultimately in Season 5's "Mother's Mercy"). Just before Season 4 aired, Lena Headey spoke about the upcoming scene in such a way that it vaguely seemed like she was considering performing it herself, but ultimately model Rebecca Van Cleave was used as a body double, and Lena's head was digitally added onto Van Cleave's body. Why Headey ultimately used a body double is unclear: one explanation circulated was it was because Headey was pregnant, though the scene was shot in early October 2014 and Headey gave birth on July 10 the following year, making it unlikely that she was pregnant during filming.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Cersei is a beautiful but cold woman who does not get along with her husband, whom she considers to be a fat oaf. However, she dotes on and loves her three children. She is not politically skilled, and frustrated that her options for power are limited by her gender. Cersei is close to her brother Jaime, but is cowed by her father and despises Tyrion, whom she unjustly blames for killing her mother Joanna, who died giving birth to him. Cersei and Jaime were around 10 years old when Tyrion was born and Joanna died. In the series, it is mentioned that Cersei was 4 instead, a change which better reflects the relative ages of the actors (Peter Dinklage is four years older than Lena Headey).

    Cersei becomes a POV character in the fourth novel. In the first three novels, her actions are witnessed and interpreted from the POV of other characters, mainly her brothers, Eddard, and Sansa.

    According to the novels, Cersei never gave birth to any child by Robert. As she revealed to Eddard, she was only pregnant by Robert once and aborted the child out of hatred for its father. Robert was unaware of both the pregnancy and the abortion. In the TV series, she revealed to Catelyn that she'd had a "beautiful, black-haired boy", but he'd died of a fever.

    Tywin does plan to find a new husband for Cersei, though not Loras Tyrell, who has been made a Kingsguard after the battle of the Blackwater. Willas Tyrell, Mace's eldest son and heir (who does not appear in the TV series), is Tywin's first choice. However, Olenna Tyrell vetoes the match in revenge for the Lannisters foiling her plot to marry Sansa to Willas, claiming that Cersei is "too old and too used" for her precious grandson. Prince Oberyn Martell and Balon Greyjoy are also suggested as a match. Cersei never threatens her father with revealing Tommen's true parentage if she is forced to re-marry; she does object, exclaiming that she is not a brood mare, but Tywin firmly tells her that she will marry and breed in order to refute the rumor Stannis spread about her incest (which she did). Grudgingly, Cersei asks for a few days to consider that. As things turn to be, Tywin dies before Cersei is forced to marry anyone.

    With her father dead, Cersei once more rules the Seven Kingdoms as Queen Regent. She grows increasingly paranoid and vindictive, drinks heavily and endlessly schemes to deal with her enemies, real and imagined (Margaery, Jon Snow, Bronn, Trystane Martell, etc.). All of Cersei's schemes, with no exception, somehow go wrong - foiled, backfire or never come to fruition; even those that initially succeed - turn to be too costly.

    During her reign, Cersei becomes alcoholic, and takes lovers of both genders, among them Osney Kettleblack and Lady Taena Merryweather, both characters of questionable loyalty. Jaime, who has been growing more and more distant from Cersei, is disgusted by her behavior; he finds it ironic that she has adopted the same negative habits she hated so much about Robert.

  3. This category is for images of Cersei Lannister. Wiki of Westeros A teaser for House of the Dragon : Season 2 has been released, confirming a summer 2024 premiere.

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