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  1. Mar 16, 2023 · Most USGS streamgages are funded in partnership with one or more of about 1,500 Federal, state, local and Tribal agencies and organizations. Each streamgage provides vital information that can help protect lives and property, as well as ensure adequate water supply for the future.

  2. Mar 3, 2019 · Most USGS streamgages are used to generate continuous streamflow information year-round. Together these gages constitute the National Streamflow Network. Some gages, however, only record the water level (gage height or stage) of a stream, lake or reservoir; no streamflow (discharge) is computed.

  3. Get the facts and figures about the USGS Streamgaging Network, one of the largest streamgaging enterprises in the world!

  4. In 2020, USGS monitors water levels and flow at more than 8,400 streamgages, some of which also are equipped with sensors that measure water properties such as temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen content.

  5. In 2020, there were 887 million requests for streamgage reports. Streamgages in the USGS networks are funded using federal appropriated funds for Federal Priority Streamgages or Cooperative Matching Funds in combination with funds from more than 1,400 partners.

  6. Today, the USGS Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program supports the collection and (or) delivery of both streamflow and water-level information for more than 8,500 sites (continuous or partial record) and water-level information alone for more than 1,700 additional sites.

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  8. Geographic distribution of 19,415 streamgages within the conterminous United States with 1 or more years of record during water years 1901 through 2015 by A, record length, B, drainage area, C, percentage of zero-flow days in the record, and D, geometric mean of nonzero daily mean streamflow values.

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