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  1. Little Man Ice Cream - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Ice Creamless Milkshake
    Also known as the poor man's milkshake. I've tried it hundreds of time and it just didn't taste as good as ice cream milkshakes, but then I found the secret: vanilla syrup. If your looking for a creamy texture, this isn't the recipe for you. If you don't mind a little icey-ness then your going to love it! I make it in my magic bullet, so the recipe is going to reflect that. I figure, just multiply by 4 and it should work for a normal blender. Not promising though.
    Poor Man's Pudding (Pouding Chomeur)
    Living in Quebec you learn many things. One, you learn that shoveling snow is considered a winter pastime. Secondly, and more deliciously, you learn that maple syrup can be put on a heck of a lot more than just pancakes (crepes up here). This little recipe is call Poor Man's pudding, and there is probably a recipe for every single family in the Province. This is the one my wife's family makes, and is fantastic. Yes, it's a little sweet, but nothing an ice cold glass of milk can't fix!