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  1. Sabuk asteroid disebut juga sebagai sabuk utama ( main belt) untuk membedakan dari konsentrasi planet kerdil lainnya di dalam sistem tata surya, seperti Sabuk Kuiper dan scattered disc. Lebih dari separuh massa sabuk utama terdapat di empat terbesar objek: Ceres, 4 Vesta, 2 Pallas, dan 10 Hygiea.

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  3. The asteroid belt is a torus -shaped region in the Solar System, centered on the Sun and roughly spanning the space between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars. It contains a great many solid, irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets.

  4. Main-belt Asteroids (MBA) are objects orbiting between Mars and Jupiter in the main portion of the asteroid belt. There are 1,157,490 Main-belt Asteroids in this database out of 1,302,506 total, accounting for 88.9% of objects.

  5. Location of the main belt This plot shows the location of the main belt with respect to the planets and the Sun as well as the orbital structure of asteroid inclinations and number density of objects (yellow represents the highest number density, blue the lowest). Figure from DeMeo and Carry (2014).

  6. Feb 28, 2019 · The Main Asteroid Belt is at the boundary of the inner and outer solar system. It marks a transition region from the rocky volatile-poor inner terrestrial planets to the outer gaseous and icy giant planets.

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  8. From the viewpoint of planet formation in the Solar System, Main Belt asteroids are the remnants of the so-called planetesimal population, the building bricks of planets that formed ubiquitously all over the Solar Nebula.

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