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  1. Dancing through forests, inspiring art, and whispering in the winds, the nymphs, muses, and myriad other divine entities have enlivened myths with their grace and presence. These entities, though ethereal, have their own stories to tell, profoundly impacting the myths and legends of ancient Greece.

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    • A – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • B – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • C – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • D – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • E – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • G – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • H – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • I – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • L – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses
    • M – Names of Greek Gods and Goddesses

    Aceso– Goddess of healing wounds and curing illness. Achelois– Minor Goddess of the Moon. The English translation of her name means “she who drives away pain” which is probably why she’s also related to healing. Achelous– God of the Achelous River, which is the largest river in Greece. He’s the chief of all river deities with thousands of brothers,...

    Bia– Titan Goddess of mighty force. Her sister was Nike (Victory). Kratos (Strength) and Zelos (Power) were her brothers. They were the winged enforcers of Zeus. Bia assisted in bringing Prometheus to his rock enslaved punishment. Boreas(aka Aquilo, Aquilon) – Purple-winged God of the North Wind and winter. He’s one of the four seasonal Anemoi (Win...

    Caerus– (aka Kairos, Roman name: Occasio, Tempus) – God of luck and favourable opportunity. Calliope– The Muse of epic poetry. Calypso(aka Kalypso) – Immortal beautiful goddess-nymph who kept Odysseus with her for seven years. Castor(aka Castore, Kastor) – Leda was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan. She gave birth to twin sons Castor and Pollux...

    Deimos– The God of Fear, Dread and Terror. Probably how the word “demon” came about. Delphin– God of dolphins. Demeter(Roman name: Ceres) – Goddess of the harvest. Despoina(aka Despoena, Despoine) – Goddess of the Arcadian Mysteries. Dike(aka Dice) – Goddess of justice and moral order. Her sisters are Eirene (Peace) and Eunomia (Law & Order). Dinla...

    Eileithyia(aka Ilithyia, Roman name: Lucina) – Greek Goddess of childbirth and midwifery. Eirene(aka Irene, Roman name: Pax) – Goddess of Peace. Eirene was one of the Goddesses of the seasons, known as the Horae (Horai), mentioned all the way back in Hesiod’s Theogony, c. 700 BCE. The three of them include Eunomia (Law and Order), Dike (Justice), a...

    Gaia(aka Gaea) – Goddess of the Earth (Mother Earth). Mother of the Titans. Ganymede– Given immortality and made cup-bearer of the Gods. Glaucus(aka Glaukos) – A mortal fisherman who transformed into a prophetic sea-god after eating a magical herb. He became the patron god of fishermen.

    Hades (Roman name: Pluto)– God of the dead and king of the Underworld. Harmonia(Roman name: Concordia) – Goddess of Harmony and Concord. She’s the opposite of Eris (strife). Hebe(Roman name: Juventas) – Wife of Heracles. Goddess of youth. Hecate(aka Hekate, Roman name: Trivia) – Goddess of magic, witchcraft and ghosts. Hedone(Roman name: Voluptas) ...

    Iris – Goddess of rainbows. Messenger of the Gods. She gave me a message when I hiked Mount Olympus.

    Lacheses– (aka Lakhesis; Roman name: Decima) One of the three Morai (Fates). She allotted fate by the will of the Gods. Laso(aka Leso) – The Goddess of recuperation from illness. Lyssa(aka Lytta) – Goddess of rage. She often worked together with Mania.

    Maia– One of the seven Pleiades. Mania(aka Maniae, Maniai) – Goddess of madness and insanity. Melpomene– The Muse of tragedy. Merope– One of the seven Pleiades. Metis– Titan Goddess of wisdom. Momus(aka Momos) – God of satire and mockery. Morpheus – God of dreams and sleep. Best represented in The Matrix.

    • Carol Woods
    • Gaia – Goddess of the Earth. In Greek mythology, the role of a primordial deity (protogenoi) at the beginning of creation is played by Gaia (or Gaea).
    • Uranus – The God of the Sky. Gaia’s male counterpart, Ouranos (or Uranus) was the primordial deity of the sky. To this end, ancient Greek mythology perceived the sky as a solid dome of brass, adorned with shining stars, whose edges literally rested on the flat ends of the Earth, thus symbolically uniting Gaia and Ouranos, the primordial Greek gods.
    • Cronos – The Titan of Time. This primordial deity father of the “first generation” of Greek Olympian gods and goddesses (such as Zeus, Hades, Hera, etc.)
    • Hyperion – The Titan of Light. One of the Titan (Titan) children of Ouranos and Gaia, and thus belonging to the first generation of Greek primordial gods, Hyperion signified the very essence and scope of celestial light, while his sister/wife Theia (meaning “divine”) was the manifestation of the radiance of the blue sky.
  2. Mar 28, 2024 · A full list of ALL the greek mythology gods and goddesses. Yes, you heard right, the full list. I’m talking deep dives into the nitty-gritty of each deity’s life story.

  3. We're all the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth)

  4. Greek mythology gods and goddesses are a captivating part of ancient lore. These mythical deities, such as Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Athena, ruled over different aspects of human life from their abode on Mount Olympus. The Greek pantheon also included heroes like Heracles and Perseus, as well as fearsome monsters like Medusa and the Minotaur.

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  6. The Greek Gods and Goddesses were some of the most intriguing figures of ancient times. They were said to have extraordinary powers and abilities, and their stories continue to fascinate people even today. There were 12 main Olympian Gods and Goddesses, who ruled over different areas of human life.

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