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  1. United States Bicentennial. The United States Bicentennial was a series of celebrations and observances during the mid-1970s that paid tribute to historical events leading up to the creation of the United States of America as an independent republic. It was a central event in the memory of the American Revolution.

  2. Summary: 'The Year of Magical Thinking' is an intensely personal and harrowing memoir from revered American essayist and prose stylist Joan Didion

  3. The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, named after former United States President Ronald Reagan, is located in downtown Washington, D.C., and was the first federal building in Washington designed for both governmental and private sector purposes. Each of the organizations located in the Pennsylvania Avenue building are ...

  4. Oct 1, 2009 · DATA SOURCES: TIGER – From the US Census Bureau, detailed data about roads, railroads, rivers, and zipcodes. Probably the most extensive you’re going to find. OpenStreetMap – One of the best examples of data and community effort. Geocommons – Both data and a map maker. Flickr Shapefiles – Boundaries as defined by Flickr users.

  5. Volume 18 of the Statutes at Large (1878) con­tains, in part I, the Revised Statutes of the United States (“R.S.” in official citations or “Rev. Stat.” unof­ficially; “Revised Statutes” in­for­mal­ly), which was a compilation of all federal laws as of December 1, 1873, with amendments enacted in 1874–1877.

  6. Stati Uniti d'America Azione in colpi di stato e cambi di regime Interferenza elettorale Annessioni a seguito di azione in cambi di regime e invasione Le ingerenze degli Stati Uniti in politica estera hanno compreso azioni sia esplicite sia segrete volte a modificare, sostituire o preservare governi stranieri. Gli Stati Uniti hanno eseguito almeno 81 interventi noti, tra espliciti o sotto ...

  7. › vufind › RecordLerum

    Beskrivning; Sammanfattning: Den 12 augusti 2022 blev Salman Rushdie attackerad under ett framträdande i Chautauqua i New York. I Kniv berättar han för första gången i detalj om det fruktansvärda dådet, men påminner oss också om hur konsten kan hjälpa oss att förstå det otänkbara.

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