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  1. RiverClan Allegiances: Into the Wild, Episode 4 of Warriors: Into the Wild in WEBTOON. This comic is an AU/rewrite of the Warriors series published by Harper Collins. This rewrite follows (mainly) the events of Into the Wild, the first book.

  2. A warning yowl came from the shore, shrill and anxious. “Look out! More RiverClan warriors are coming!” Tigerclaw turned to see sleek wet bodies sliding out of the water below the rocks. The drenched RiverClan warriors bounded silently up the shore and hurled themselves into battle without even stopping to shake the water from their fur.

  3. › download › warriors-the-propheciesInto the Wild -

    “After tonight, Tigerclaw, this will be just another RiverClan hunting ground!” the bracken-colored tom spat back. A warning yowl came from the shore, shrill and anxious. “Look out! More RiverClan warriors are coming!” Tigerclaw turned to see sleek wet bodies sliding out of the water below the rocks. The drenched RiverClan warriors bounded

  4. Nov 20, 2018 · If the allegiances had been like this, this goes to show why ShadowClan were so powerful in Into the Wild, and why Crookedstar was so willing to allow Brokenstar's cats to hunt in the river.

    • Overview
    • Praise
    • Detailed plot description
    • Trivia
    • Publication history
    • See also

    is the first book in The Prophecies Begin arc, formerly known as the Original arc. Firepaw is the cat depicted in the center of the cover on the original cover, and the reprinted one. It features Firepaw as the main protagonist, and Bluestar and Tigerclaw in the prologue.

    Warriors series, Firepaw learns the ways of the wild life, facing many dangers and treachery both within and without his new clan. Intelligence notwithstanding, the cat characters are true to their feline nature, making this sure to appeal to fans of Clare Bell's long-popular Ratha's Creature (1983) and its sequels and also to followers of Brian Jacques' ongoing Redwall series."

    -Sally Estes,

    A group of feral cats known as ThunderClan are battling against their rival, RiverClan, by a river for control over a territory called Sunningrocks, to which both Clans had equal claim. Redtail, ThunderClan's deputy, soon realizes ThunderClan is badly outnumbered and orders the battle patrol to retreat. Tigerclaw, a ThunderClan warrior, reluctantly follows the order, angered that RiverClan should be allowed to win territory so quickly. In the ThunderClan camp, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, is trying to seek answers from StarClan, troubled by that night's defeat. At that moment, Spottedleaf, the medicine cat of ThunderClan, receives a prophecy from StarClan, echoing to Bluestar that "Fire alone can save our Clan." But Bluestar is confused, for fire is feared by all Clans.

    A kittypet called Rusty has a dream about catching a mouse in the forest, but lets his prey go due to a distracting noise. As he wakes up, he finds that this is food pellets being poured into his food bowl. This dream drives the young cat into the forest, though his friend Smudge warns him that forest cats are much bigger and dangerous. On his arrival in the forest, he is briefly attacked by Graypaw, a ThunderClan apprentice. Instead of fleeing, Rusty turns and fights back. Unbeknownst to the two young cats, two warriors from ThunderClan are watching—Lionheart, Graypaw's mentor, and Bluestar, ThunderClan's leader. Impressed after having seen Rusty and Graypaw fight instead of fleeing, Bluestar offers Rusty a chance to join their Clan of feral cats and train as an apprentice.

    The next day, Rusty is escorted to the ThunderClan camp by Lionheart and another ThunderClan cat, Whitestorm. Most of the cats disagree with a kittypet joining their ranks, especially Longtail, who relentlessly taunts Rusty. Rusty attacks Longtail after being persuaded by Lionheart to prove his loyalty and worth to the Clan. Rusty's collar snaps off during the fight, which Bluestar takes as an omen from StarClan that Rusty belongs in their Clan. Bluestar renames him Firepaw, after his flame-colored pelt, and officially appoints him as a Clan apprentice. Suddenly, another apprentice, Ravenpaw, rushes into camp with the news that Redtail has been killed in a skirmish near Sunningrocks. Tigerclaw soon follows with Redtail's body, claiming Redtail to have been killed by Oakheart, the RiverClan deputy, who Tigerclaw says he has killed in vengeance. Firepaw is unable to see the body, only spotting a red tail, true to the deputy's name, from around a bush. Lionheart is made deputy in Redtail's place.

    Firepaw is not immediately assigned a mentor of his own and instead trains with Ravenpaw and Graypaw and their mentors, Tigerclaw and Lionheart, respectively. Firepaw soon learns that kittypets are traditionally thought to be weak and useless amongst Clan-born cats. He is steadily able to adjust to his new life despite being seen as an inferior. He trains hard to become a respected member of the Clan, hoping to eventually earn full warrior status.

    On his first solo hunting assignment, Firepaw comes across Yellowfang, a medicine cat who has been exiled from ShadowClan. He immediately attacks, knowing rogue cats are not tolerated in enemy territory. After defeating her, he realizes that the old cat is starving, and he hunts a rabbit for her out of pity and eats some himself, breaking the warrior code. When a patrol led by Bluestar arrives, Yellowfang tries to flee but is hindered from doing so by her wounds. The ThunderClan leader recognizes Yellowfang as ShadowClan's former medicine cat, and the Clan brings Yellowfang into camp as a prisoner. After appointing herself as Firepaw's mentor in order to speed up apprentice training, Bluestar puts Firepaw in charge of taking care of Yellowfang as punishment for eating before his Clanmates are fed.

    At Firepaw's first gathering, Graypaw is telling him who is who. Firepaw asks about WindClan and Graypaw tells him that ShadowClan drove them out. Brokenstar, the leader of ShadowClan, reports that ShadowClan has recently driven out a cat who has murdered ShadowClan kits. He makes it clear that this rogue should be killed as soon as any cat finds her and urges the Clans to keep a close eye on their kits. He also states that since ShadowClan are the strongest and most thriving Clan, they require more territory to support themselves, and that they drove WindClan out of their territory and claimed it for their own after they refused to surrender it willingly. This explains WindClan's absence from the Gathering. Crookedstar, RiverClan's leader, announces that he has allowed ShadowClan hunting rights on the edge of their territory. After the Gathering the ThunderClan cats rush back to camp, suspecting Yellowfang to be the cat Brokenstar warned them of, but Bluestar orders that Yellowfang should not be harmed, arguing that since there is no proof of Yellowfang being the culprit—as Brokenstar has not named her as the rogue—and since she has not yet done anything wrong to ThunderClan, Yellowfang will remain in camp. She puts the Clan on battle-readiness as they are now the only ones standing up to Brokenstar.

    Interesting facts

    •A UK version of the book originally came with free tattoos.

    Author statements

    •Kate has stated that she thinks that the cats in the background of the original cover are Graypaw and a cat from another Clan.


    A compiled list of the errors present in Into the Wild can be found here.

    •Into the Wild (EN), HarperCollins (hardcover), 21 January 2003

    •Into the Wild (EN), HarperCollins (paperback), 1 January 2004

    •Into the Wild (EN), Collins UK (paperback), 5 April 2004

    •Na Wolności (PL), Amber (paperback), 2004, translated by Agnieszka Różańska

    •Retour à l'état sauvage (FR), Pocket Jeunesse (unknown binding), 17 March 2005, translated by Cécile Pournin

    •Retour à l'état sauvage (FR), 12-21 (e-book), 8 December 2005

    •Into the Wild & Fire and Ice - Special Edition version of Into the Wild and

    • 3 min
  5. The Allegiances of the Book: Into the Wild Leader: Bluestar--blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle. Deputy: Redtail--small tortoiseshell tom with a distinctive ginger tail...

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  7. Oct 12, 2021 · RiverClan Allegiances. 4.8k views 21 likes 1 comment. Read Warriors - Into The Wild (Fan-made comic) and more premium Fantasy Community series now on Tapas!

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