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  1. Like flood legends, legends of heroes of virgin birth and/or virginal conception are not uncommon in faiths across the world. For example, the Bhagavata Purana tells that Krishna was conceived without sex.

    • When Was Jesus born?
    • What Year Was Jesus born?
    • What Month Was Jesus born?
    • Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
    • Dating Based on King Herod
    • What Does The Bible Tell Us About Jesus' birth?
    • Does It Matter When Jesus Was born?

    The Bible says in Luke 2:8-9. “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.” According to Bible commentator Adam Clarke, it was traditional for the Jews to ...

    While many scholars believe Jesus was born sometime between 4 BC and 6 BC, there is no definitive historical evidence that pinpoints the exact year of his birth. The commonly used Christian calendar, which designates Jesus' birth as the starting point, traditionally places it at 1 BC or 1 AD, although these dates are approximate and may not align p...

    One hypothesis suggests that Jesus may have been born in the month of December. This idea is largely based on the mention of shepherds in the Gospelof Luke who were tending their flocks at night when the angelic announcement of Jesus's birth occurred. Some argue that this activity would have been more likely in a warmer month, implying that Jesus m...

    The day and month of Jesus’s birth are even more challenging to establish. Theologians typically agree that December 25 is far from likely. In the late Roman Empire, there was a festival called "Sol Invictus" (the Unconquered Sun) that celebrated the sun god on December 25th. Some have suggested that the choice of this date for Christmas was influe...

    Dating the birth of Jesus around the death of King Herod is a historical puzzle that involves a combination of biblical and extra-biblical sources, along with some scholarly interpretations. Here's how it's typically done: 1. Biblical Accounts: The primary source for dating Jesus's birth in relation to King Herod comes from the New Testament, speci...

    Celebrating the birth of Jesus on Christmas holds profound significance in Christian tradition, even in light of His life, death, and resurrection. Jesus' birth marks the fulfillment of numerous Old Testament prophecies, underscoring Jesus's identity as the promised Messiah. This celebration reaffirms the belief that God's plan of salvation foretol...

    Even if the global Christian community could clearly decide that Christ was born on a different day, changing the date of Christmas worldwide would pose many problems. Selecting a new date for celebrating Christ’s birth would require massive adjustments at both commercial and institutional levels. 1. School calendars and public holidays have been e...

  2. Baptism is a ritual practiced by a number of faiths, though not all denominations practice it for the same reason or in the same manner. Though it is mainly practiced by Christianity today, ancient pagan religions also used baptism as a ceremony of purification (cleansing), rebirth, or initiation.

  3. Jan 14, 2019 · This overview of Eastern Orthodox Church beliefs explains how early followers sought to preserve the "right beliefs" of the first-century church.

  4. Aug 17, 1989 · Last year for the Feast of the Nativity, I gave a lecture about one of the central claims of the Christian faith: the Virgin Birth of Christ. This was all well until I used in passing the phrase "ever-virgin" with reference to the Lord's Mother.

  5. The Feast of the Nativity of Jesus is one of the most joyful days of the Orthodox Church. It ranks next to the greatest holiday, the Resurrection of Jesus. The Feast of the Birth of Jesus is also known as the "Incarnation of Christ." This means that Jesus became a man and came into the world to save us.

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  7. Only two of the Evangelists tell us about the birth of Christ and the events surrounding it: St. Matthew and St. Luke. St. Matthew informs us concerning the revelation of the mystery of the Incarnation to the righteous Joseph, the adoration of the wise men, the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt and the slaughter of the Bethlehem infants. St.

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