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  1. Eleanor of Anjou. Peter II ( Latin: Petrus II, Italian: Pietro II, Sicilian: Pietru; 1304 – 8 August 1342) was the King of Sicily from 1337 until his death, although he was associated with his father as co-ruler from 1321. Peter's father was Frederick III of Sicily and his mother was Eleanor, a daughter of Charles II of Naples. [1]

  2. Peter III of Aragon, Manfred's son in law, of the House of Barcelona, conquered the island of Sicily from Charles I in 1282 and had himself crowned King of Sicily. Thereafter the old Kingdom of Sicily was centred on the mainland, with capital at Naples , and although informally called Kingdom of Naples it was still known formally as "Kingdom of ...

    Marriage (s)
    Constance II 1268/1282–1285 (joint ...
    1249 Sicily daughter of Manfred of Sicily ...
    Peter I the Great 13 June 1262 6 ...
    9 April 1302 Barcelona, Spain aged 52 or ...
    Peter I the Great 1282–1285 (joint ...
    1240 Valencia son of James I of Aragon ...
    Constance of Sicily 13 June 1262 6 ...
    2 November 1285 Vilafranca del Penedès ...
    James the Just 1285–1295
    10 August 1267 Valencia son of Peter I ...
    Isabella of Castile 1 December 1291 No ...
    5 November 1327 Barcelona aged 60
    Frederick II 1295–1337
    13 December 1272 Barcelona son of Peter I ...
    Eleanor of Anjou 17 May 1302 9 children
    25 June 1337 Palermo aged 65
  3. Sep 16, 2011 · Nor, in Sicily had he conquered an ancient kingdom which he could assume intact merely by ascending to the vacant throne. The Sicilian monarchy, its constitutions, laws, ceremonies, regalia, had to be built ex novo, and, once the foundations had been laid in 1130, King Roger and his ministers exercised an eclectic taste in furnishing the new ...

  4. The reign of William II, posthumously known as William “The Good,” was characterized by seclusion, lackluster military ventures, diplomacy, and a peace within Sicily after the chaotic reign of his father, William I. Scholars believe that William II’s nickname is not attributed to the “good” he did as king, but rather to the fact that ...

    • Overview
    • Early life
    • Enthronement as king of Sicily
    • Roger’s navy
    • The Assizes of Ariano

    Roger II (born December 22, 1095—died February 26, 1154, Palermo [Sicily]) grand count of Sicily (1105–30) and king of the Norman kingdom of Sicily (1130–54). He also incorporated the mainland territories of Calabria in 1122 and Apulia in 1127.

    Roger was the son of Count Roger I of Sicily and his third wife, Adelaide of Savona. He succeeded his elder brother Simon on September 28, 1105, at the age of nine. Little is known of his childhood. These years, during which his mother acted as regent, he probably spent between Mileto in Calabria, the family castle in northeastern Sicily, and Messina, but it was at Palermo in 1112 that he was knighted and assumed the reins of government, and there his Sicilian capital was henceforth established.

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    Though the island that Roger I and his brother Robert Guiscard had conquered was populated predominantly by Arabs—with a strong admixture of Greeks—Roger I had always remained essentially a Norman knight. His son, by contrast, was a man of the Mediterranean. Deprived of paternal influence from the age of five, Roger was brought up in a cosmopolitan, multilingual world of Greek and Muslim tutors and secretaries and soon revealed an exotic strain in his nature. The latter was obvious enough in his complexion and in the darkness of his eyes and hair, but his contemporaries soon learned to their cost that he was a ruler for whom diplomacy, however tortuous, was a more natural weapon than the sword, and gold, however corrupting, a more effective currency than blood.

    Two qualities, however, he had inherited from his Norman forebears: his energy and his ambition. It was these, combined with a gift for imaginative statesmanship all his own, that enabled him to profit from the fecklessness of his cousins—the son and grandson of Robert Guiscard—and to acquire, in return for military aid against a rebellious baronage, more and more of their mainland territories. By 1122 all Calabria was his, and in 1127, when Duke William of Apulia died without issue, Roger laid claim to the duchy as his rightful heir. Opposition was considerable; the barons had always resented the domination of the Hautevilles, whom they looked upon as upstarts no better than themselves, and the papacy had no wish to see too powerful a state established on its southern frontier. But they were no match for Roger’s particular technique of armed diplomacy, and in 1128 Pope Honorius II invested Roger as duke of Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily.

    Thus, at age 32, the young duke found himself one of the most influential princes in Europe. Only one thing more was necessary before he could weld his triple duchy into a single nation and treat with his fellow rulers on equal terms: a royal crown. Two years later he secured it. Honorius’s death early in 1130 led to a dispute over the papal succession. One of the two candidates, Innocent II, thanks to the energetic advocacy of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, soon had almost the whole continent behind him. His rival, the antipope Anacletus II, turned to Roger, who promised full support in return for coronation.

    The first king of Sicily was crowned on Christmas Day 1130 in the cathedral at Palermo. The antipope Anacletus died in 1138, and, in the following year, after routing a papal army at Galluccio and taking the pope captive, Roger forced Innocent to confirm him in the kingdom of Sicily, with the overlordship of all Italy south of the Garigliano River. After this he was quickly able to pacify his mainland realm, where his vassals—abetted by the German emperor Lothar II who led a large, though unsuccessful, expedition to South Italy in 1136–37—had kept up an almost permanent insurrection. In Sicily itself, where the ban on large fiefs had left little opposition to Roger’s rule, the new kingdom steadily grew more prosperous.

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    The king himself, more than any other ruler of his day, was an intellectual who had thought deeply about the science of government, and although he cherished no love for the empire of the East—which, like that of the West, maintained its claim to its former South Italian possessions—his whole upbringing inclined him toward the Byzantine concept of monarchy: a mystically tinged absolutism in which the sovereign, as God’s viceroy, lived remote and elevated from his subjects in a magnificence that reflected his intermediate position between earth and heaven. It is no coincidence that in one of the only two portraits of Roger with any claim to authenticity—the mosaic in the Church of the Martorana at Palermo—he is depicted in Byzantine robes being symbolically crowned by Christ.

    It was on this navy above all that Sicily’s security and prosperity depended, and Roger’s use of it was not overscrupulous. Under the greatest of its admirals, George of Antioch, it subdued much of what is now Tunisia to form a profitable, if short-lived, North African empire; it captured Corfu; it harassed the Greek coast, abducting the best of the Theban silk workers to found the court workshop at Palermo; and in 1149 it sailed up the Bosporus to fire a few impudent arrows into the gardens of the imperial palace. Significantly, however, it played no part in the Second Crusade of 1147. Roger had hated the Frankish rulers of Jerusalem ever since his mother’s disastrous remarriage to King Baldwin I of Jerusalem 34 years earlier. Besides, most of his Sicilian subjects were Muslims, and toleration was the cornerstone of his kingdom.

    This policy even showed itself in his church buildings. Roger’s first great building, the cathedral at Cefalù, shows little Saracenic influence, but the Palatine Chapel in Palermo, conceived on a Latin plan and aglow with Byzantine mosaics, is topped by a stalactite roof of pure Arab workmanship. Middle Eastern inspiration is equally evident in the five vermilion cupolas of the church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti, built in 1142 for the Benedictines.

    After the pacification of South Italy, the king promulgated in 1140 at the so-called Assizes of Ariano a corpus of law covering every aspect of his rule. He then returned to Palermo, which he seldom left again. There he spent his last 15 years in the most intellectual court of Europe, surrounded by the leading thinkers of the time. Sicily was already the only land where scholars could study both Greek and Arabic—then the scientific language par excellence. Through Roger’s enthusiasm, Sicily became a cultural clearinghouse where, for the first time, Christian and Islamic scholars could meet on an equal footing.

    Roger II was married three times. He outlived his first wife, Elvira, daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile, and his second, Sibyl of Burgundy. His third wife, Beatrice of Rethel, whom he married in his last year, bore him a daughter, Constance, after his death. Constance married the future emperor Henry VI, bringing Sicily under the control of the Hohenstaufens. Upon his death at age 58, Roger was succeeded by his fourth but oldest surviving son, William. Despite his repeatedly expressed wish to rest in Cefalù, the king was buried in the cathedral at Palermo, having created, in a Europe rent by schism and exhausted by the Crusades, not just a kingdom but a political and religious climate in which all races, creeds, and cultures were equally encouraged and equally favoured.

  5. Apr 26, 2022 · Peter II (July 1305 – August 15, 1342 in Calascibetta) was crowned king of Sicily (then called Trinacria) in 1321 and gained full sovereignty when his father died in 1337. His father was Frederick III of Sicily and his mother was Eleanor of Anjou, a daughter of Charles II of Naples and Maria Arpad of Hungary.

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  7. In Frederick II: Early years …May 1198 he was crowned king of Sicily. Before her death later that year, Constance loosened the bonds that joined Sicily to the empire and to Germany by appointing Pope Innocent III her son’s guardian as well as regent of the Kingdom of Sicily, which was already under papal suzerainty.… Read More; Gregory IX

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