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      • Napoleon, who had halted in expectation of a Russian attack, moved toward Smolensk, one of Russia’s most sacred cities, in the hope that the Russians would make a stand there. They did, in part because Barclay’s junior officers threatened mutiny if he did not. › event › Battle-of-Smolensk
  1. Napoleon, who had halted in expectation of a Russian attack, moved toward Smolensk, one of Russia’s most sacred cities, in the hope that the Russians would make a stand there. They did, in part because Barclay’s junior officers threatened mutiny if he did not.

  2. People also ask

  3. Nov 11, 2012 · The previous post in this series described how Napoleon decided to retreat from Moscow on 18 October 1812. His intention was to make for the supply depot at Smolensk by a southerly route.

  4. The battle of Smolensk was the first time since invading Russia that Napoleon Bonaparte had an opportunity to fight the defending armies. The Russian generals Barclay de Tolly and Bagration had traded space for time, but had reluctantly joined together - the pair disliked each other - at the city of Smolensk.

  5. Mar 1, 2021 · Not expecting an offensive by Kutuzov, Napoleon made the strategic mistake of resuming his retreat by dispatching the Grande Armée's corps individually from Smolensk on four successive days, starting on November 13.

  6. Both commanders observed that Napoleon might feign his attack on Smolensk, and instead move his troops to Dorogobouzh to cut the Moscow route and the Russian line of communication.

  7. When Napoleon left Smolensk on 18th August, 1812, he was well aware that he was going further than his own propaganda had said was good for him. Indeed, even his entourage warned him against it. 1 The enemy had retreated at Borodino and given up the religious capital city.