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  1. In 1927 Arosev was the Soviet ambassador to Lithuania, from 1929 to 1933, the plenipotentiary ambassador in Czechoslovakia, then he worked in the Soviet embassy in France. From 1934 to 1937, Arosev was the Chairman of the Society of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries ( VOKS ). He was a Delegate of the 1st All-Union Congress of Writers.

  2. Aleksandr Arosev (Apts 103 and 104), was in the Sosny rest home on the Moskva, writing in his diary. “In today’s papers we read that Kamenev, Zinoviev, Panaev, Mrachkovsky, Evdoki-mov, Ter-Vaganian, I. N. Smirnov Reingold, Goltsman, M. Lurye, N. Lurye, Dreitser, Olberg, and Perman-Yurgin have all been sentenced – to be shot.

  3. Aug 18, 2017 · A Saga of the Russian Revolution. By Yuri Slezkine. Illustrated. 1,104 pp. Princeton University Press. $39.95. It was winter in Petrograd, exactly 100 years ago. The imperial Russian Army was ...

  4. Arosev called a third and last time. "I can hear you breathing," he told the still-silent Molotov. Molotov never intervened on his friend's behalf, and Arosev was executed by Stalin's regime.

  5. Jun 30, 2020 · The repression of political dissent in Czarist Russia led many future revolutionaries to literature as a gateway to political thought; their poetic idealism may have made them both effective and ...

  6. Jan 27, 2017 · 32 On Krugand Arosev's literary patronage in the 1920s, see Maguire, Red Virgin Soil, 32 Popov, “Arosev,” 84; Trachenko, “Sled na zemle,” 14-16. Both Erenburg novels were published in Berlin by Gelikon in 1923; Trest D. E. was issued the next year in Khar'kov by Gosizdat Ukrainy (which Arosev headed in 1920) and Zhizn’ i gibel ...

  7. Rolland, Voyage a Moscou, p. 126. Arosev, already no doubt very nervous in the presence of Stalin, had to watch as Rolland's wife tried to correct him in front of the suspicious Stalin. Later, Arosev desperately defended the quality of his translation and questioned Madame Rolland's motivations in his letters to Stalin. See 'A. Arosev. TsK VKP ...

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