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  1. LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Pope Francis has warned that we could be in the end times as described in Mark, chapter 13. In the Book of Mark, Jesus told His disciples about the destruction that would presage the end of the world. On Nov. 15, Pope Francis invoked Mark 13 to illustrate the times we are living in.

  2. Nov 13, 2022 · Yes, death is coming, judgment is coming, heaven and hell are coming, all temporal things will have their end, but we already know what that ending looks like: the triumph of life over death, the restoration of all things in Christ.

  3. 3 days ago · A new miniseries on EWTN takes us through the End Times — what is leading up to it and how are we to meet it. Joseph Pronechen, November 5, 2022. Wars. Rumors of wars. Crime rising. Catholic churches desecrated. Society showing big cracks. Morality being abandoned. Threat of nuclear weapons.

  4. Nov 24, 2015 · Fr. Dwight Longenecker Blogs November 24, 2015. As the new Church year begins, Catholics traditionally consider the Advent themes of the Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. With ...

  5. Oct 9, 2023 · In recent months, there has been significant talk within the Catholic community about some End Times prophecies slated for this October, the month of the Holy Rosary, notably those coming from sources yet to be approved by the Church.

  6. Author: Colin B. Donovan, STL. Share. Endtimes, Millennium, Rapture. The term "endtimes" applies both to the era of Christ's first coming (Heb 1:2, 1 Cor 10:11, Heb 9:26) and to the events immediately before his return and the end of the ages (Mt 24:13, 2 Tim 2:1, 2 Peter 3:3).

  7. Aug 1, 2023 · August 1, 2023 // Perspective. Are These the End Times? What the Catechism Says. The Catholic approach to the end times is different from that in certain (but not all) Protestant circles, especially the Evangelicals, who have a strong and often vivid preoccupation with signs of the Second Coming of Christ.

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