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  1. Can You Add Cranberries To Cake Mix In Baking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Coffee Cake
    This is a recipe that came from my Mom's index cards. I have made this recipe SO many times!! I love this recipe!! This recipe calls for the cranberry's to spread over the top just before baking. When I was helping my Mom making it, and I accidentally added the cranberry's in with the coffee cake and mixed it all up. My Mom was furious and chewed me out. She went ahead and made it then profusely apologized to me, since it was 10 times better the way I made it then the way she made it!!! One of the high lights of my childhood! You can use pretty much any fruit that you would like. You may need to adjust the cooking time according to how 'wet' the fruit is. You can also substitute the fruit juice for the water for more fruit flavor.