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  1. Can You Cook Split Pea Soup In A Crock Pot Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Split-Pea Soup
    Split-Pea Soup is a long-time, comfort food in my home. Upside to this recipe: its super easy , tasty and freezes really well. Downside: prep-time is a snap but the cook-time itself is really long...but happily it requires no babysitting once you put the lid on so you can attend to other things around the house. Recipe is large, but can easily be divided in half. I make it large so I can freeze the leftovers in single-serving ziploc sandwich bags--once frozen flat they stack easily and will keep in the freezer for several weeks. You can use crock-pots as necessary or preferred. Leave out optional garnish and its suitable for our vegan friends, too. :o)