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  1. Sep 2, 2022 · Discover how to build your own screen and mouse jiggler to prevent your computer screen from turning off and keeping your status as online.

    • Testing in Python – First Steps
    • How to Use Python's unittest Module
    • How to Define Test Cases For Python Functions
    • How to Write Unit Tests to Check For Exceptions
    • How to Use The assertRaises() Method to Test Exceptions
    • Conclusion

    We'll start by defining a Python function and write unit tests to check if it works as expected. To focus on how to set up unit tests, we'll consider a simple function is_prime(), that takes in a number and checks whether or not it is prime. Let’s start a Python REPL, call the function is_prime()with arguments, and verify the results. You can also ...

    Python ships with the unittestmodule that lets you configure automated tests for functions and classes in your application. The generic procedure to set up unit tests in Python is as follows: The above code snippet .pydoes the following: 1. Imports Python’s built-in unittestmodule. 2. Imports the Python function to be tested,

    In this section, we’ll write unit tests for the is_prime() function using the syntax we’ve learned. To test the is_prime() function that returns a Boolean, we can use the assertTrue() and assertFalse() methods. We define four test methods within the TestPrime class that inherits from unittest.TestCase. In the output below, '.' indicates a successfu...

    In the previous section, we tested the is_prime()function with prime and non-prime numbers as inputs. Specifically, the inputs were all positive integers. We haven't yet enforced that the arguments in the function call to is_prime()should be positive integers. You can use type hinting to enforce types or raise exceptions for invalid inputs. In test...

    In the definition of the TestPrimeclass, let’s add methods to check if the exceptions are raised. We define test_typeerror_1() and test_typeerror_2() methods to check if TypeError exception is raised and the test_valueerror() method to check if ValueErrorexception is raised. 📌 To call the assertRaises()method, we can use the following general synt...

    Thank you for reading this far! 😄 I hope this tutorial helped you understand the basics of unit testing in Python. You've learned to set up tests that check if a function works as expected or raises an exception—all using Python's built-in unittestmodule. Keep coding, and see you in the next tutorial!👩🏽‍💻

  2. A simple mouse jiggler script to keep a computer active.

  3. Apr 29, 2024 · In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the unittest framework to create unit tests for your Python code. Along the way, you'll also learn how to create test cases, fixtures, test suites, and more.

  4. Getting Started With Testing in Python – Real Python. by Anthony Shaw intermediate best-practices testing. Mark as Completed. Table of Contents. Testing Your Code. Automated vs. Manual Testing. Unit Tests vs. Integration Tests. Choosing a Test Runner. Writing Your First Test. Where to Write the Test. How to Structure a Simple Test.

  5. Effective Python Testing With Pytest – Real Python. by Dane Hillard intermediate testing. Mark as Completed. Table of Contents. How to Install pytest. What Makes pytest So Useful? Less Boilerplate. Nicer Output. Less to Learn. Easier to Manage State and Dependencies. Easy to Filter Tests. Allows Test Parametrization. Has a Plugin-Based Architecture

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  7. Collection of awesome Python resources for testing and generating test data. Contents. Assertions. Behavior-driven Development. Code Coverage. Design by Contract. Fake Data. Load Testing. Memory Management. Mock and Stub. Mutation Testing. Object Factories. Penetration Testing. Property Based Testing. Rest API Testing. Snapshot Tests. Speed.

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