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    • Fish Pose (Matsyasana): It is recommended to use props to support the upper back and encourage the chest to passively relax, open, and expand. This pose not only stretches the chest, shoulders, and neck but also stimulates the thymus gland, and the throat and heart chakras, boosting the immune system, promoting emotional healing, and encouraging self-expression.
    • Extended Puppy Dog Pose (Utthita Svanasana): This beginner friendly asana lengthens and realigns the spine and gently stretches the upper back, arms, and shoulders, creating space for the heart to gently expand and open.
    • Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana): This beginner-friendly backbend teaches you to draw your chest through your arms and shoulders, opening up the front body and creating space in the chest, heart and lungs.
    • Lion (Simhasana): By arching the back, opening the mouth wide and sticking out the tongue, this pose helps release tension in the face, throat, and shoulders, promoting a sense of emotional release.
  1. Sep 6, 2023 · Most heart opening poses are seated and back-bending poses that help to stretch your abdominal muscles, expand the rib cage (which makes accommodating the expansion and contraction of the lungs better), stretch your shoulders, and help with spine extension.

  2. Aug 3, 2018 · Use these ten yoga poses as a sequence for a fully transformative practice, add in a few chosen poses to your typical session, or pick one or two to do to re-energize your day or when you need some extra heart space.

    • Jacqueline Roberts
    • Standing Backbend (Anuvittasana)‍
    • Camel Pose (Ustrasana)‍
    • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)‍
    • Dancer’S Pose (Natarajasana)‍
    • Wild Thing
    • One-Legged King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana)‍
    • Wheel Pose
    • ‍8. Two-Limbed Inverted Staff Pose (Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana)‍

    This gentle heart opening yoga pose allows you to determine how deeply you’d like to move into the backbend.‍ To Practice: 1. Start standing in mountain pose with your feet grounded firmly 2. Elongate your spine by reaching your tailbone and the crown of your head in opposite directions 3. Three-dimensionally tighten around your waistline as if squ...

    Most practitioners either love or hate this heart opening yoga pose, so decide for yourself if you’d like to include it in your heart opening practice. ‍To Practice: 1. Start kneeling on your knees 2. Elongate your spine by reaching your tailbone and the crown of your head in opposite directions 3. Three-dimensionally tighten around your waistline ...

    Bridge is a versatile pose that can be used for heart opening or lower body strengthening. This variation works to expand and open your chest. ‍To Practice: 1. Start lying down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor roughly hip-distance apart 2. Relax your arms by your sides with your palms facing up 3. Press your heels f...

    This heart opening yoga pose also doubles as a balancing posture to give you more bang for your buck. ‍To Practice: 1. Start standing in mountain pose with your feet roughly hip-distance apart 2. Focus your eyes onto one, nonmoving point in front of you and keep your gaze locked as you balance 3. Draw your hands to your hips 4. Pour your weight int...

    Wild thing makes you feel both vulnerable and powerful simultaneously. This playful heart opening pose requires both a lot of strength and a lot of mobility.‍ To Practice: 1. Start in downward facing dog 2. Sweep your right leg toward the sky, bend your knee deeply, and open your hip to stack your right hip over your left 3. Slowly and mindfully re...

    This deep heart opening yoga pose requires a lot of mobility in the spine as well as the hips. To Practice: 1. Start in downward facing dog 2. Draw your right knee forward behind your right wrist and slide your ankle toward your left wrist 3. Tiptoe your left foot back to release your hips onto props or the floor 4. Release your fingertips on other...

    This classic heart opening yoga pose requires both strength and mobility, particularly in the shoulders, to be able to find its “opening” qualities. To Practice: 1. Start lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor roughly hip-distance apart 2. Reach your arms overhead and release your palms to the floor above your shoul...

    This deep wheel pose variation creates even more heart opening so you can deeply crack open this physical and metaphysical space within you.‍ To Practice: 1. Start in wheel pose as instructed above 2. Slowly and mindfully bend your elbows to lower the crown of your head to the floor 3. Bend deeply into one elbow at a time to release your forearms t...

    • 3 min
    • Restorative Heart Opener. If you have a prop like a bolster, blanket, or block handy, a restorative heart opener is a wonderful place to start your exploration.
    • Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana) Verywell / Ben Goldstein. Use cat-cow as an exercise to take the opportunity to really feel the difference between spinal extension and flexion.
    • Sphinx Pose. Sphinx is a good place to learn how to draw your chest through your shoulders, an action that will come in handy in many other poses (like cobra and upward facing dog) and is great for heart opening.
    • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) Verywell / Ben Goldstein. In bridge pose, tuck your shoulders under your body then lift your hips to allow your chest to blossom.
  3. May 14, 2023 · Starting with baby backbends, practice these six yoga poses designed to open your heart, revitalize your energy, and increase flexibility. Gentle backbends and heart openers physically peel away tension blocking our heart centers.

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  5. Heart-opening yoga poses like Bow and Cobra can help you heal your body, mind, and spirit. Use these yoga poses for your heart to connect with yourself.

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