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  1. Jun 8, 2022 · We have our favorite characters and even our favorite kisses from the beloved Harry Potter series. Here's our take on the best and worst kisses from the series.

  2. This is a list of Harry Potter cast members who portrayed or voiced characters appearing in the film series. The list below is sorted by film and the character's surname, as some characters have been portrayed by multiple actors.

    • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Last line. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (Nearly-Headless Nick)
    • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Last lines. Merope Riddle. Natural causes. Childbirth. 31 December 1926.
    • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Last lines. 12 Muggles. Peter Pettigrew. Blasting Curse. 1 November 1981.
    • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Last lines. Rubeus Hagrid's father. Unknown. Between 1 September 1941 and 31 August 1942.
    • Overview
    • Hedwig
    • Relatives
    • Good friends
    • Hogwarts staff
    • Death Eaters
    • Order of the Phoenix
    • Others
    • Behind the scenes
    • Appearances

    Throughout his life, Harry Potter had many relationships with a variety of people. Because of his upbringing, he had few connections in his early years, the only people he truly interacted with being the abusive Dursleys. With his introduction to the wizarding world, this changed and he built connections with many of the residents of the magical community, both good and bad.

    His strongest relationships were with: Ginny Weasley, Hedwig, Dobby, his parents, his children, Hermione Granger, the Weasley family, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Teddy Lupin.

    "No... NO! Hedwig... Hedwig..."

    — Harry moments after Hedwig's death

    Hedwig was the snowy owl Hagrid bought Harry for his eleventh birthday, from Eeylops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. Hedwig was often Harry's only companion during the lonely holidays he spent with the Dursleys, and the bond that developed between them was a close one. Hedwig was usually very affectionate with Harry, which she showed by gently nibbling his ear or fingers. However, she was not above snubbing him out of jealousy or nipping him a bit harder than usual on the rare occasions he snapped at her.

    Hedwig was also highly intelligent; she understood perfectly when Harry asked her to peck Ron and Hermione until they responded to him, and even flew, completely of her own accord, to where Hermione was on holiday in France, to ensure that Harry received a gift for his thirteenth birthday. In 1997, Harry was completely grief-stricken after Hedwig was struck by a Killing Curse during the Battle of the Seven Potters.


    "Harry, you are so loved. Mama loves you. Dada loves you." — Lily Potter's final words of support James and Lily Potter died when their son was only a year old. Harry barely knew them, however, despite this, he regarded them with great reverence. He fiercely defended their memory if anyone spoke ill of them. In 1995 he punched Draco Malfoy for insulting his mother and he frequently became furious with Professor Snape, who taunted Harry that James was not the great man others made him out to be. Snape, to Harry's horror, was proven to be right in the spring of 1996. Harry accidentally witnessed James bully Snape using the Levicorpus spell in one of Snape's memories, with Dumbledore's Pensieve. However, Harry was relieved to know that his mother was a fair and kind person who neither participated in nor tolerated bullying and would stand up for those in need. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black later assured him that James had changed his ways, eventually becoming mature enough to win Lily over. "Lily's smile was widest of all. She pushed her long hair back as she drew closer to him, and her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough." — Description of Lily's spirit upon seeing Harry The few times Harry ever saw his parents were through pictures given to him by Rubeus Hagrid, a vision within the Mirror of Erised, spectral forms which came out of Voldemort's wand during Priori Incantatem, stored memories within the Pensieve and as lifeless corpses in a flashback that was triggered when he saw his now-ruined parents' house. The Mirror of Erised was the first true time he had ever glimpsed what they looked like, as the Dursleys did not keep pictures of the couple nor did they discuss them. As they hoped that in doing so Harry would be less likely to turn out like them. The last known time Harry saw them where when he "summoned" them during the Battle of Hogwarts by using the Resurrection Stone. Both James and Lily's spirits had "loving smiles on their faces", and told their son that they were tremendously proud of him, for being so brave and strong despite all the suffering and pain that he had been forced to endure, and gave him the support he needed to sacrifice himself to Voldemort. Harry described their presence as his courage, the very reason why he was able to keep putting one foot in front of the other, with his mother smiling at him, and his father nodding encouragement. Albus Dumbledore maintained that Harry's greatest strength was his love for his parents and the love that they had for him, and in part, this literally translated to the protection afforded to Harry by his mother's sacrifice. Harry eventually named two of his children after his parents, a gesture that clearly stated that he would always keep the memory of his parents alive and honoured. It was seen that both his parents called him a name of affection, as James called Harry "son" and Lily called him "sweetheart", it is very possible that they had a nickname for Harry when he was a baby.

    Luna Lovegood

    Luna Lovegood: "People expect you to have cooler friends than us." Harry: "You are cool. None of them were at the Ministry. They didn't fight with me." Luna Lovegood: "That's a very nice thing to say." — Harry considers Luna and Neville Longbottom to be his friends Harry met fellow Hogwarts student Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw, on 1 September, 1995 on the Hogwarts Express. Although Harry found the younger witch rather strange, he was grateful when she told him that she believed his claim that Lord Voldemort had returned. She seemed to be one of the few students who did. Harry and Luna became friendlier through Dumbledore's Army. After they fought together in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries Luna comforted Harry over the loss of his godfather, telling him about her late mother. The following year, Harry defended Luna and Neville Longbottom when Romilda Vane implied they were not worth spending time with, whereas the previous year he found the two as embarrassment to his standing in front of Cho Chang. Later on in the year, he invited Luna to attend Slughorn's Christmas Party with him, as a friend. Luna was excited, as she had never been invited to a party before and told Ginny about the invitation. During the party, Harry reflected that inviting Luna had been a good idea and absolutely worth it merely to see the looks of the faces of Horace Slughorn, Severus Snape and Sybill Trelawney when she mentioned the Rotfang Conspiracy. During the year in which Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to hunt down Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes, Harry visited the Lovegood household and found that Luna had decorated her bedroom with pictures of her five friends: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville. Harry found this site to be very touching and felt great affection for Luna. Upon learning that Luna was being held hostage by the Death Eaters, Harry felt greatly worried, to the point of feeling some pity for her father for attempting to turn the trio in for ransom, but had confidence in Luna surviving nevertheless. In the prelude to the final battle, Luna aided Harry in his search for Ravenclaw's Diadem, having been the one to inform Harry of its existence in the first place, and she stunned Alecto Carrow when Harry was too shocked to move, which probably saved him from being held captive until Voldemort's arrival. Later when Harry was going to sacrifice himself, he realised that Luna was one of his closest friends and one of the persons he would like to see before his death. After the Battle of Hogwarts, Luna was the only one who noticed that Harry wanted to get away from the victory party, and created a distraction so that he could go speak with Ron and Hermione in private. The two remained friends into adulthood and Harry gave his daughter the middle name "Luna" in honour of his friend. It's also quite possible that Harry became friends with her husband (Rolf Scamander) and close to her twins, Lorcan and Lysander.


    "You shall not harm Harry Potter!" — Dobby protecting Harry from Lucius Malfoy Harry and Dobby had a very strong relationship. Dobby loved and respected him very much, to the point where he considered Harry to be his best friend. Dobby became a vitally important figure in Harry's life, and their relationship played a crucial role in Harry's ultimate defeat of Lord Voldemort. When Harry first met Dobby he was a bit confused. Throughout the year, when Dobby made attempts to drive Harry away from Hogwarts, causing some rather unpleasant results on the way, Harry made some threats that were never followed through. Near the end of the 1992–1993 school year, Harry freed Dobby from the slavery of the Malfoy family. Lucius became enraged and intended to attack Harry, but Dobby protected him by using a defensive spell. Dobby may have realised that he underestimated Harry, as Harry managed to stop Lucius' plot and survive the Chamber of Secrets. Dobby was appointed to work at the kitchen of Hogwarts Castle in the paid service of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, though even as a free elf, his loyalty always laid foremost with Harry. When Harry visited the kitchens and therefore Dobby, Dobby hugged him so tightly that Harry felt as though his ribs might crack. Dobby also asked if it would be alright if he visited Harry from time-to-time, with Harry responding with an of course. Dobby visited Harry on Christmas day and presented him with a present, socks and when Harry tried them on Dobby's eyes misted with tears. In 1994, Dobby provided Harry with Gillyweed for the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. In 1995, Dobby told Harry about the Room of Requirement and how to get inside. It is a secret room inside Hogwarts castle and cannot be seen even on the Marauder's Map. Harry and his friends used the room in Dumbledore's Army's meetings and practises. When Marietta Edgecombe betrayed Dumbledore's Army to Professor Umbridge, Dobby immediately warned Harry that the Inquisitorial Squad was going to attack, even though the house-elves had been forbidden to tell anyone, proving that he was far more loyal to Harry Potter than to Umbridge or Hogwarts in general. When he heard, Harry ordered Dobby not to punish himself for disobeying a direct order from Umbridge. In 1996, Dobby had a fight with another house-elf, Kreacher after Kreacher insulted Harry. In 1998, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Garrick Ollivander, and the goblin Griphook were captured and taken hostage at the Malfoy Manor. Alerted to their whereabouts by Aberforth Dumbledore, Dobby rescued the hostages in two groups, first Apparating Dean, Luna, and Ollivander to Shell Cottage, then returning to do the same for Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Griphook. Dobby dropped a chandelier on Bellatrix Lestrange to release Hermione from being held at knife-point, giving Ron the opportunity to take a wand and Disapparate with Hermione. Enraged by what he had done, Bellatrix threw the same silver knife at Dobby, mortally wounding him, just as he Disapparated with Harry and Griphook. Upon arriving at Shell Cottage, Harry discovered Dobby's wound and cried out for help as Dobby died in Harry's arms. Harry dug a grave without using magic and held a small funeral for the elf in the garden of Shell Cottage. Dobby's epitaph read "HERE LIES DOBBY, A FREE ELF". After the funeral, Harry remembered the one Albus Dumbledore had and thought that Dobby deserved one just as grand. It was the grief Harry felt for Dobby's death that ultimately grounded him, ridding Harry of the "weird, obsessive longing" to find the Elder Wand and the resentment for how little he felt Albus Dumbledore had actually disclosed during their time together. While digging Dobby's grave, Harry reflected on all Dumbledore had said about love, all that he had foreseen, and replaced his trust in the late Headmaster. Harry then made the conscious decision to continue his pursuit of Horcruxes, and not Hallows.

    Neville Longbottom

    Neville Longbottom : "All right, Harry. You're okay, are you?" Harry: "I'm fine. Thanks, Neville." Neville Longbottom : "We're all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?" — Neville's loyalty and willingness to fight beside Harry Neville Longbottom became Harry's dormmate in 1991, in their first year at Hogwarts. In 1996, Harry learned that the Prophecy that prompted Lord Voldemort to target his parents could have been referring to Neville. Though Harry sympathised with the fact that Neville's parents had been tortured into insanity by Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jnr, he spent part of the journey to Hogwarts prior to his sixth year pondering how things could have been different if Voldemort had chosen to attack Neville, and he had become the "one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord" instead of Harry. In the initial years, Harry was quite friendly with Neville, though he was not as close to him as he was with Ron and Hermione. Harry helped out Neville in many occasions, such as in 1992, when he advised him to stand up to Draco Malfoy, who constantly bullied him. Harry and Neville became close friends only in their fifth year at school, when Neville took part in Dumbledore's Army, an organisation that Harry led and taught in opposition to Dolores Umbridge. Neville became highly devoted to the D.A. Harry's encouragement and training helped Neville not only improve his magical abilities, but also gain badly needed confidence and incredible courage. He fought alongside Harry in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, where Neville saved Harry's life from the Death Eater Walden Macnair. When Harry grieved at the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, Neville did not question Harry's relationship with an alleged criminal, instead consoling him of his loss. In 1997, Neville was one of only three D.A. members who still checked their enchanted coin enough to receive Hermione's call for help prior to the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. "The thing is, it helps when people stand up to them, it gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry." — Neville on how Harry inspires him In 1998, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on the run, Neville re-formed Dumbledore's Army with Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood, in resistance against Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow. Neville spoke out against their anti-Muggle rhetoric and habit of using the Cruciatus Curse on students. He did this regardless of the consequences, saying he noticed it always helped give people hope when Harry did that. When Harry returned, Neville deferred to his leadership and summoned the rest of Dumbledore's Army (who, in turn, contacted the Order of the Phoenix) believing Harry was there to lead a revolt. Harry and Neville fought together throughout the Battle of Hogwarts, and just before Harry sacrificed himself, he left Neville with the instruction to kill Nagini, Voldemort's snake and last remaining Horcrux. When everyone believed Harry to be dead, Neville openly defied Voldemort, who tried to burn him alive with the Sorting Hat, but failed due to Harry's sacrificial protection. Using the opportunity given to him by the sudden arrival of reinforcements, Neville completed the task Harry gave to him; he drew Gryffindor's Sword from the Sorting Hat and slew Nagini. In the process destroying the last Horcrux and rendering Voldemort mortal, thus allowing Harry to finally kill him. Nineteen years after the battle, Neville had become the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts and taught Harry and Ginny's children, James and Albus. They both remained close friends in adulthood. Harry made Neville the godfather to his second son Albus.

    Albus Dumbledore

    Hermione Granger: "Harry, I'm sorry, but I think the real reason you're so angry is that Dumbledore never told you any of this himself." Harry: "Maybe I am! Look what he asked from me, Hermione! Risk your life, Harry!... And don't expect me to explain everything, just trust me blindly... even though I don't trust you! Never the whole truth! Never!" Hermione Granger: "He loved you. I know he loved you." — Discussion of the secrets Dumbledore kept Albus Dumbledore was a mentor to Harry, akin to a grandfather figure. Dumbledore arranged for Harry to be rescued from Godric's Hollow after his parents' murder and left him in the care of his aunt Petunia Dursley in order to give him the benefit of the magical protection of his mother's blood. In Harry's fifth year, he admitted to Harry that he had not told him of the prophecy concerning himself and Voldemort, because he wanted to spare Harry the pain and responsibility it would burden him with for as long as possible. Though Harry was initially furious with him for the frustration he felt for being kept in the dark, the two continued to be close. Harry continued to have utmost faith in him, proclaiming to Rufus Scrimgeour that he was Dumbledore's man through and through, something Dumbledore was very touched by. By Harry's sixth year, Dumbledore took on the role of providing Harry with additional insights into the origins of Lord Voldemort, largely through the use of the Pensieve. He entrusted Harry with the task of getting a final, crucial memory from Horace Slughorn regarding Voldemort's knowledge of Horcruxes. Dumbledore's death was greatly devastating to Harry, though he persevered in the impossibly difficult task Dumbledore had left him of finding and destroying each of Voldemort's Horcruxes. Harry had difficulty coping with the fact that there was much Dumbledore had not told him about his history with the Deathly Hallows and Gellert Grindelwald: even doubting that Dumbledore actually cared about him, and beginning to believe the old Headmaster simply thought of Harry as nothing more than a tool to be used. However, when he learned during the Battle of Hogwarts that Dumbledore had supposedly planned all along for Harry to sacrifice himself, Harry innately showed incredible faith in his mentor by serenely accepting the task. When Harry allowed himself to be struck by Voldemort's Killing Curse, his soul entered a state of Limbo, resembling King's Cross Station, where Dumbledore was waiting to speak with him. "I cared about you too much. I cared more for your happiness than your knowing the truth, more for your peace of mind than my plan, more for your life than the lives that might be lost if the plan failed. In other words, I acted exactly as Voldemort expects we fools who love to act." — Dumbledore explaining his feelings for Harry The fact that Dumbledore himself was there to meet Harry in a place between life and death attested to the bond of fellowship between them. They discussed all that had happened to Harry since Dumbledore's death, as well as things that had remained unsaid prior to it. At one point, Dumbledore seemed to beg for Harry's reassurance, uncharacteristically doubting some of the decisions he had made in the course of his life, which Harry easily gave him. Though Harry had felt some resentment for how little he felt Dumbledore had actually revealed of himself in their time together, Harry probably learned secrets and saw a side of Dumbledore that no one else knew during the events of limbo. Fully reconciling with his mentor, Harry and Dumbledore parted ways, with Harry returning to life to defeat Voldemort while Dumbledore moved "on" to the afterlife. Harry also had a unique relationship with the Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes; not only was Harry's wand one of the only two ever made with feathers from Fawkes's tail, but the phoenix found Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, helped him slay Slytherin's Basilisk, and provided Harry with the only known antidote to Basilisk venom: phoenix tears. Fawkes's song was a source of comfort for Harry on a number occasions before the phoenix left Hogwarts following Dumbledore's death. Harry later named his second son Albus, after the Hogwarts Headmaster. He maintained his respect and faith in Dumbledore well-through his later years, continuing to ask him for council regarding how to treat his son and trying to honour it by allowing Albus to be friends with Scorpius. Although his respect was for a brief moment shaken by the fact that Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort, had kidnapped his and Draco's son, in which Harry bitterly blamed Dumbledore for not knowing and being able to tell him about Delphini having existed, he eventually snapped out of it after Dumbledore revealed that he wanted to personally confront and defeat Voldemort in Harry's behalf but although he was confident he could win, he did not have the power to fully destroy Voldemort as only Harry had the power to kill him for good and had realised he should have trusted Harry more. Henceforth, Harry referred to Dumbledore as a great man whose flaws made him better rather than making him worse.

    Rubeus Hagrid

    Rubeus Hagrid: "It's — all — my — ruddy — fault! I told the evil git how ter get past Fluffy! I told him! It was the only thing he didn't know, an' I told him! Yeh could've died! All fer a dragon egg! I'll never drink again! I should be chucked out an' made ter live as a Muggle!Harry: "Hagrid! Hagrid, he'd have found out somehow, this is Voldemort we're talking about, he'd have found out even if you hadn't told him.Rubeus Hagrid: "Yeh could've died! An' don' say the name!" Harry: "VOLDEMORT! I've met him and I'm calling him by his name. Please cheer up, Hagrid, we saved the Stone, it's gone, he can't use it. Have a Chocolate Frog, I've got loads...." — Harry comforting a distraught Hagrid, after the Skirmish in the Underground Chambers Rubeus Hagrid was Harry's first close friend in the wizarding world. He was also Harry's first true friend as Harry was unable to make friends throughout his early childhood due to his isolation by the Dursleys'. In effect, he rescued Harry twice: once from the wreckage of his destroyed home, as a baby; second, from the Dursleys' to take him back into the wizarding world. Both orphaned outsiders, Harry and Hagrid shared a bond that Harry never failed to honour. He constantly defended the half-giant against name-calling and mockery, and despite his disapproval, helped Hagrid protect various dangerous pets and raise his half-brother, Grawp. For example, in his first year, Harry along with his friends helped Hagrid find baby dragon Norbert a new home, despite the risk that was involved. Harry also refused to believe Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets, when Tom Riddle's Diary showed him the memory. Discovering Hagrid's ancestry as a half-giant did nothing to deter their friendship; Harry showed no concern to begin with; rather, he was furious at Rita Skeeter for revealing it via media, which had caused much-unwanted prejudice. During the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, Voldemort forced a distraught Hagrid to carry Harry's "corpse" out of the Forbidden Forest, during which time Hagrid expressed his fury with the centaurs for initially refusing to fight, prompting them to join in soon after. After the battle, Harry and Hagrid shared an embrace both thankful that their friend was alive and uninjured. In 2017, Harry's sons, James and Albus, were planning to meet Hagrid for tea shortly after their arrival at Hogwarts. This implied Harry and Hagrid stayed in touch after the Second Wizarding War.

    Minerva McGonagall

    "Why would Harry Potter try and get inside Ravenclaw Tower? Potter belongs in my house!" — McGonagall proud that Harry is in Gryffindor Harry had a strong relationship with his Transfiguration teacher and Head of Gryffindor House, Professor Minerva McGonagall. Minerva showed her care for Harry ever since she, Dumbledore, and Hagrid left him in the care of the Dursleys, in part because she had been quite fond of Harry's late parents. She was sort of a stern but loving grandmother-figure to him and expressed concern with both Dumbledore's choice trusting Hagrid to safely transport Harry to Little Whinging, and of the choice of family with whom Harry would stay. She spent hours on end spying on the Dursleys to get an insight to what life for Harry growing up would be like. When Harry arrived at Hogwarts, Minerva was pleased that he was Sorted into Gryffindor house, her house. When she saw Harry on a broomstick and the natural flying abilities he displayed, rather than punishing or expelling him, she brought him to see Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, announcing that she had found their new Seeker. In her gratitude for Harry accepting the position, McGonagall bought him a Nimbus 2000 for his first Quidditch game. However, Minerva's concern for Harry did not blind her to his misdemeanours around the school. Though she often let Harry off for breaking school rules, she only did so only under life-threatening circumstances, but did not hesitate to give him detention for being out of bounds taking points away from Gryffindor as a result. Though theirs was a typical student-teacher relationship for Harry's first three years at Hogwarts, after Harry was selected to become a Triwizard Champion, the sheer level of danger he faced seemed to warm her to him. In Harry's fifth year, McGonagall urged Harry not to give Dolores Umbridge or the Ministry any more ammunition to use against him, and she later stood up for him to Umbridge, promising to help Harry become an Auror if it was the last thing she did. Harry felt a powerful surge of anger when Umbridge later gloated that Minerva was too ill to talk to anyone after being hit in the chest with four simultaneous Stunners. McGonagall considered him a talented and likeable wizard and expressed pride at having Harry in her house. Harry, in turn, felt great affection for her. When Harry secretly infiltrated Hogwarts shortly prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry defended Minerva's honour against Alecto and Amycus Carrow who had been posted at the school by Voldemort. Amycus demanded to know where Harry was in the Tower and McGonagall asked why he would be there as he belonged in her house with clear pride in her voice. When Amycus Carrow spat at McGonagall, Harry was outraged to the point of attacking him with the Cruciatus Curse, and agreeing with Bellatrix Lestrange's assertion that one had to "really mean it" to perform it correctly. Although shocked by Harry's sudden appearance and his use of an Unforgivable Curse, Minerva was clearly touched. Though Minerva tried to convince Harry to flee out of concern for his safety, Minerva immediately joined Harry in retaking the castle and preparing for battle when he informed her that he was acting on Dumbledore's orders. Nearing the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, Minerva's devastation was clearly equal to that of Ron and Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, when she saw Rubeus Hagrid carrying Harry's seemingly dead body. She later duelled Voldemort head on in the final battle. When the battle ended with Voldemort's death at Harry's hands, Minerva was among the first to embrace him.

    Lord Voldemort

    "You stand, Harry Potter, upon the remains of my late father, a Muggle and a fool . . . very like your dear mother. But they both had their uses, did they not? Your mother died to defend you as a child . . . and I killed my father, and see how useful he has proved himself, in death. . . " — Voldemort taunting Harry in the Little Hangleton Lord Voldemort, who sought to destroy Harry ever since the boy was an infant, was Harry's most dangerous arch-enemy. Dumbledore described the relationship between Lord Voldemort and Harry as follows: "You and Lord Voldemort have journeyed together into realms of magic hitherto unknown and untested... Voldemort wrapped your destinies together more securely than ever two wizards were joined in history... both kin and mortal enemy". The two wizards had their destines locked together ever since a prophecy foretelling of a child "with the power to Vanquish the Dark Lord" was made and relayed in part to Voldemort, who decided to act, to prevent it from coming to fruition. Though two infants fit the description of "The Chosen One", Voldemort believed the son of James and Lily Potter posed the greater threat, as he, like Voldemort himself, was a half-blood. To circumvent the prophecy, Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to murder baby Harry. When Lily refused to move aside and allow Voldemort access to his true target, her loving sacrifice afforded Harry a protection so powerful it caused the Killing Curse Voldemort aimed at Harry to rebound. Voldemort's body was destroyed and the fragment of soul residing within it was forced to flee and exist in a weak, spectral form. In attempting to murder Harry, Voldemort unintentionally embedded a piece of his soul and some of his own abilities into Harry, as well as effectively marking Harry "as his equal". It was only after Voldemort attacked Harry that the latter became a Parselmouth, a trait Voldemort inherited from Salazar Slytherin, as well as the ability to see into Voldemort's mind on occasion — both tools that aided Harry in bringing about Lord Voldemort's end. As it happened, when Voldemort tried to murder Harry in the Forbidden Forest during the Battle of Hogwarts he was unable to because when Voldemort had used Harry's blood to restore his body, he had unwittingly bound Harry's life to his own. As such, the curse only destroyed the Horcrux piece of Voldemort's soul within Harry, while Harry survived. There are many features that both Harry and Voldemort share: both were only children who were "abandoned" at a very young age, too young to properly remember their parents. Both had grown up believing untruths about their parents (Harry was told that his parents were unemployed drunks who had died in a car accident, while Voldemort was allegedly told that his mother was from a circus). Lord Voldemort, like Harry, never knew his mother. Although he did meet his father, he only sought him out for revenge and murdered him. Harry only vaguely remembered both his parents, being too young when they were murdered to remember anything more than vague images and fleeting feelings. However, he had been able to connect with them through objects that once belonged to them, such as his father's Invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map, his mother's letter, old photographs, and also his parents' friends. He also met their spirits via the Resurrection Stone. In addition, both boys wore second-hand clothes: Harry was given his repulsive cousin Dudley's enormous cast offs and Tom wore tatty hand-me-downs supplied by the orphanage. Both Riddle and Harry were friendless as children: Harry was kept isolated and denied a normal social life by his aunt and uncle, while Tom expressed his bitterness and loneliness by tormenting the other orphans, frightening them away. "There is no good and evil... There's only power, and those who are too weak to seek it...." — Voldemort words to Harry in 1992 Both Harry and Voldemort were Parselmouths: wizards who have the ability to speak to snakes. This is less coincidental than it might seem, for Voldemort actually transferred this ability to Harry when attacking him. Voldemort was in Slytherin house and the Sorting Hat almost placed Harry into Slytherin, though Harry asked to be placed in some other House, thus, making it so his choices define who he is. Both boys had followers: Tom gathered a small group of "friends" through fear, intimidation, as well as tenuous promises and then later a whole group calling themselves the Death Eaters. Similarly, many students gravitated to Harry out of loyalty and a shared cause, but also curiosity and an attraction to his fame. The two wizards also had "twin" wands: each wand contained the same phoenix feather wand core, that is later revealed to be from Fawkes, Dumbledore's pet phoenix. As well, both boys were unaware they were wizards until about the age of eleven, even though each could make unusual things happen. Both Harry and Tom were of great interest to Dumbledore and both felt their first home was Hogwarts. In addition, both achieved greatness in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, however, each for different reasons. Both Harry and Voldemort were half-bloods, though that only matters to Tom Riddle. Both are also rule breakers: Harry, of course, feels justified when he does things like leaving his dorm after hours, entering the Forbidden Forest, as well as eavesdropping on teachers because he believes it serves a greater purpose. Tom might have engaged in similar activities, but if so, then he did this for darker and self-serving reasons, as well as without benefit of an Invisibility Cloak like Harry: while at school, Tom framed Hagrid for a girl's death, then went on to worse crimes. Lord Voldemort: "Potter doesn't mean that. Who else are you going to use as a shield today, Potter?" Harry: "No one. There are no more Horcruxes. It's just you and me. One of us is going to leave for good." — The final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort However, there are also many features that set Harry and Voldemort apart: during his Sorting, Harry requested not to be placed in Slytherin. It is unlikely Tom Riddle would have made a similar request, even if he was unaware what his ancestry was. Furthermore, Voldemort never had friends, only followers who feared him or hoped to gain some reward or advantage. Harry made many friends: his dorm-mates, the Weasley family, as well as many teachers: especially Dumbledore, Hagrid, Remus Lupin, as well as (the real) "Mad-Eye" Moody. They supported Harry because they share a common belief. While both were half-blood, Harry's mother was Muggle-born, whereas Lord Voldemort's father was a Muggle, as well as incidentally, so was Snape's, which is why he called himself the "Half-Blood Prince". Most importantly, Harry cared about the people around him, even pitying Draco Malfoy when the boy was ordered by Voldemort to assassinate Dumbledore. Harry had the ability to love and be compassionate, making him more vulnerable to suffering pain, but also capable of experiencing deep friendship and loyalty that helped guide him to greatness. For Voldemort, love, fidelity, or compassion are unknown and unwelcome concepts. Voldemort would demand loyalty and respect from his Death Eaters, but had little in return. Voldemort had a tendency to dispose of Death Eaters who either failed him, angered him, or were no longer of use to him. Despite literally sharing the same blood, Voldemort and Harry were also related by blood, however distantly, through their shared descent from the Peverells (Voldemort through the Gaunts and Harry through the Potters). This made them distant cousins. It is possible that Harry won the allegiance of Voldemort's wand after the latter's death during their Duel in the Great Hall. If so, it is highly unlikely Harry will ever use the wand due to his personal history with both the wand itself and its original owner. Voldemort and Harry share some things: The same wand cores and the same family because Harry Potter is related to Tom Riddle, they are related through the Peverell brothers. Despite his long and twisted history with Voldemort, Harry did not allow his grudge against the man to interfere with making sound judgement when thwarting the Dark Lord's daughter Delphini's attempts to upset the timeline to be with her father. Harry even offered the wayward girl compassion and advice on learning to live as an orphan as he has long since learned to do. This shows that despite all that Voldemort did to Harry, his loved ones, and the world, Harry was, even after so many years, still the better man and mature and compassionate enough to spare his greatest enemy's daughter, as Harry was ruled by love and wisdom, not hatred or power. Harry was also able to empathise with her due to their shared status as war orphans and outsiders in their youth. Harry likely saw Delphini as the version of her father that he might have been had he been shown love and compassion. He also might have spared her in one last attempt to prove whether or not Voldemort still controlled his life.

    Draco Malfoy

    "Harry had never believed he would meet a boy he hated more than Dudley, but that was before he met Draco Malfoy." — Harry expressing his deep distaste for Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy became Harry's rival almost from the moment they met at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions in Diagon Alley. Draco came from a family that believed strongly in the importance of blood purity, thus he considered himself superior to most people. He bullied and insulted Muggle-borns and Gryffindors in particular. He was bitterly jealous of Harry's seemingly effortless heroism. Despite his strong hatred towards Draco, Harry had restraint towards Draco's taunts. He occasionally had to restrain Ron Weasley (and on one occasion, George Weasley) from attacking Draco and only resorted to violence if Draco insulted someone he cared about. Their rivalry became dangerous in the 1996–1997 school year, as shown when Draco broke Harry's nose on the Hogwarts Express, and Harry slashing and seriousing injuring Draco with the curse Sectumsempra in the Sixth-floor boys' bathroom. However, he did genuinely feel remorse for having done the deed, having never intended to wound Draco so mortally. Draco bit off more than he could chew in his ambition to be like his father (Lucius Malfoy) when he became a Death Eater at a young age. To punish his father, Voldemort ordered Draco to assassinate Albus Dumbledore, threatening his parents' lives if he failed. Although he let several Death Eaters into Hogwarts in 1997, Draco found himself unwilling to actually go through with murdering Dumbledore, even when given the opportunity to do so. Harry himself recognised Draco's burdens and actually felt sorry for him. In 1998, when Harry was brought to the Malfoy Manor to be handed over to the Dark Lord, Draco was very reluctant to identify him. During the confrontation that ensued, Harry disarmed him winning both his hawthorn wand and, unknowingly, the Elder Wand. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione saved his life twice: The first was against Crabbe's Fiendfyre and the second from a masked Death Eater. Because of his family's switching of sides during the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco was not sent to Azkaban for his crimes. By 2017, he was married and had a son. Draco saw Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron at King's Cross Station when sending their children to Hogwarts, where he gave them a curt nod. While Draco and Harry eventually made peace, they were still not friends at this stage. One possible reason for this was to avoid having a similar relationship that Harry's father and his friends had with Snape during their adulthood. It is also unknown if Harry ever gave Draco his original wand back, as Harry won its allegiance and it is never stated how a wand that has been won behaves towards its original master afterwards. During the ensuing years, Draco managed a cordial relationship with Harry and his family due to Albus Potter being Draco's son, Scorpius's best friend. When Draco's wife died, he valued the positive effect that Albus had in preventing Scorpius from being completely isolated, reaching his son in a way he couldn't. During the crisis with Delphini, Draco confessed much to Harry during these events, including how much he envied Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione. And when revealing the details of his wife's death and the effect it had on him and his son, Draco and Harry finally came to see eye-to-eye, and looked upon each other as friends for the first time, having gained a powerful and mutual respect for one another.

    Quirinus Quirrell

    The first of Voldemort's servants to try to murder Harry was his Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, Quirinus Quirrell. Though not a Death Eater, he encountered Voldemort in the forests of Albania, and was seduced into the Dark Lord's service by promises of wealth and power. Harry found out about Quirrell's true loyalties at the end of his first year, in the seventh of the Philosopher's Stone Chambers. This news also came with the discovery that Voldemort was actually sharing Quirrell's body, and the turban Quirrell wore was, in fact, hiding Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head. When Quirrell attempted to grab Harry, he found he was unable to do so without experiencing unbearable pain, due to the power of Harry's mother's sacrificial protection. Voldemort detached himself from his servant to escape the pain and fled before Albus Dumbledore's arrival because Dumbledore could have killed him, leaving Quirrell to die. Over three years after Quirrell's death, Harry made a sarcastic remark about Quirrell's allegiance, and one year after that, he remarked snidely on how Quirrell died on the job, all of these showing Harry's lack of respect for the late professor.

    Sirius Black

    "Like the fact that the person Sirius cared most about in the world was you. Like the fact that you were coming to regard Sirius as a mixture of father and brother. Voldemort knew already, of course, that Sirius was in the Order, that you knew where he was, but Kreacher's information made him realise that the one person whom you would go to any lengths to rescue, Was Sirius Black." — Albus Dumbledore, regarding Harry and Sirius's relationship Filling in as a paternal figure or an uncle (unlike Uncle Vernon), Sirius Black was Harry's godfather, as well as his most trusted confidant. When Harry's scar hurt in 1994, he acknowledged that he could tell and ask Sirius anything without feeling foolish, hesitant, or uncomfortable. During Dolores Umbridge's dictatorial rule over Hogwarts during the 1995–1996 school year, Sirius supported Harry's rebellion against her, telling Harry that he and James would have done the same thing. He also supported Harry's plan to teach students practical defensive magic. When Harry first met Sirius, he wanted to kill Sirius for the betrayal of his parents. When the truth was revealed that Peter Pettigrew had been the one who sold the Potters to Lord Voldemort, Sirius still showed immense guilt, because it had been his idea for Pettigrew to become the Potters' Secret Keeper. Harry, for his part, became very protective of Sirius. Knowing that the Ministry believed him guilty of mass murder, Harry refused to put Sirius in danger if it could be avoided. When Harry was mysteriously entered into the Triwizard Tournament, he tried everything to convince Sirius to remain in hiding instead of returning to England. During Umbridge's year at the school, Harry asked Sirius not to come to Hogsmeade as Padfoot, since he did not want to risk Sirius getting thrown back into Azkaban; while Sirius obeyed Harry's wishes, he observed that James would have been willing to take the risk. "I realised I can't shut myself away, or — or crack up. Sirius wouldn't have wanted that, would he? And anyway, life's too short... look at Madam Bones, look at Emmeline Vance... it could be me next, couldn't it? But if it is, I'll make sure I take as many Death Eaters with me as I can and Voldemort too, if I can manage it." — Harry honours his godfather's memory When Sirius was killed in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Harry at first refused to believe he was dead. Harry was completely devastated by Sirius's death; for the following months, Harry avoided talking about Sirius if he could; whenever the subject came up, he would distract himself in some way to avoid joining the discussion. Having been an orphan, losing his parents as an infant and never knowing them, being abused and shunned by his aunt and uncle, Harry was only naturally devastated to lose the "closest thing to a parent" he ever got to have during his youth in his late godfather. Very fortunately, Harry was able to move on with his life after a short period of grieving, knowing that Sirius would not want him to shut himself away or crack up. When Harry prepared to sacrifice himself to Voldemort in 1998, Sirius was one of the spirits he summoned using the Resurrection Stone. Sirius assured Harry that dying was "quicker and easier" than falling asleep. Sirius also was the one who gave Harry his first toy broomstick, as a year old baby. In a letter to Sirius, Harry's mother thanked him and described James's impression that Harry would be a "good Quidditch player." Sirius later gave Harry another broomstick, the Firebolt, as thirteen years's worth of presents from his godfather. Harry would name his eldest son after James and Sirius.

    Alastor Moody

    "Harry could not quite comprehend it. Mad-Eye dead; it could not be... Mad-Eye, so tough, so brave, the consummate survivor..." — Harry thinking about Mad Eye's death Harry first saw the real Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody shortly after Barty Crouch Jnr was revealed to have been keeping Moody imprisoned in his own trunk, using his hair for Polyjuice Potion, and taking Moody's place as temporary Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts for most of the 1994–1995 school year. The real Moody brought the Advance Guard of the Order of the Phoenix to Privet Drive in 1995, to safely transport Harry to the Order's headquarters, and Sirius Black's ancestral home, at 12 Grimmauld Place. As Harry got to know Moody through his time spent around the Order, Moody proved every bit the great, albeit incredibly paranoid, wizard he was reputed to be. When Moody was murdered by Voldemort during the Battle of the Seven Potters, Harry was shocked and horrified by the abrupt end of such a skilled Auror, and shared a drink in his honour with the rest of the Order. In 1997, Harry infiltrated Umbridge's office looking for Salazar Slytherin's locket, where he found Moody's steal magical eye lodged in the door of Umbridge's office. Harry reclaimed the eye, although in doing so he ended up alerting the Ministry to the breach in security, and later Harry buried it under a tree he found and marked with a small cross while thinking that Moody would prefer it to having his eye put to use spying for Dolores Umbridge.

    Nymphadora Tonks

    "Lupin, Tonks... He yearned not to feel... He wished he could rip out his heart, his innards, everything that was screaming inside him...." — Harry's devastation regarding Tonks and Lupin's murders Harry and Nymphadora Tonks first met in August 1995 when the Advance Guard came to Privet Drive in order to transport Harry to 12 Grimmauld Place. From there, she became one of Harry's most valuable allies and friend. The pair immediately took a liking to each other and Harry was particularly impressed by Tonks's position as an Auror, as well as her extraordinary Metamorphmagus abilities. At the time of their first meeting Harry was intimidated by the rest of the Advance Guard, but not Tonks who was clumsy and funny. Later, during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Tonks was among the Order members that came to the rescue of Harry and his friends. Harry was later relieved to hear that she would recover from the injuries she suffered at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. Their friendship grew during the next few years. In 1996, Harry hoped Tonks would be among the Aurors set to escort him to the Hogwarts Express, though she was not. Shortly after, Tonks rescued Harry on the Hogwarts Express; she performed the counter-curse to remove the Full Body-Bind Curse placed on him by Draco Malfoy, healed his broken nose, and ensured he reached safety within Hogwarts. Tonks felt sorry that Harry wasn't able to attend her and Remus' wedding in 1997. When Lupin briefly left Tonks, due to fears that the child she carried would be infected with lycanthropy like himself, Harry was furious with him for leaving his family. It was largely because of Harry's words that Lupin returned to Tonks. Nine months later in March, Tonks and Remus asked Harry to be godfather to their son, Teddy Remus Lupin. During the Battle of Hogwarts Tonks was murdered by her aunt Bellatrix, who finally succeeded in killing her "blood traitor" niece. Tonks's death, along with that of her husband, Fred Weasley, and Colin Creevey were those that hit Harry the hardest. In honour of Tonks and her husband's memory, Harry helped Nymphadora's mother raise Teddy. Harry acted as a father figure to their orphaned son and Teddy would spend three or four nights a week dining with the Potter and Weasley families. When Harry saw his two sons off to the Hogwarts Express in 2017, James came running back to his parents to announce that he had seen Teddy snogging Victoire Weasley, which may have meant Teddy eventually became an official member of the extended Potter-Weasley family.

    Narcissa Malfoy

    Narcissa Malfoy: "I see that being Dumbledore's favourite has given you a false sense of security, Harry Potter. But Dumbledore won't always be there to protect you." Harry Potter: "Wow... look at that... he's not here now! So why not have a go? They might find you a double cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband!" Draco Malfoy: "Don't you dare talk to my mother like that, Potter!" Narcissa Malfoy: "It's all right, Draco. I expect Potter will be reunited with dear Sirius before I am reunited with Lucius" — Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy and Draco Malfoy arguing in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions Harry held Narcissa in contempt due to his rivalry with her son and hatred of her husband. In the same respect, Narcissa held Harry and his friends in disdain and contempt: especially Hermione Granger, as she was Muggle-born, and Ron Weasley, as he was a blood traitor. Narcissa also held Harry in contempt for being Dumbledore's favourite student and associating with those whom she considered to be inferior.

    Teddy Lupin

    Remus Lupin: "You'll be godfather?" Harry: "M-me?" Remus Lupin: "You, yes of course — Dora quite agrees, no one better —" Harry: "I — yeah — blimey —" — Remus asking on behave of himself and Tonks that Harry be Teddy's godfather Teddy Lupin was Harry's godson and the son of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin. The couple was two of Harry's close friends. In March 1998, Remus asked Harry to be Teddy's godfather, which he happily accepted. After Remus and Tonks were murdered in the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry helped Teddy's grandmother raise him. By 2017 Harry and Teddy were clearly very close. When Harry's children wanted Teddy to move in with the Potters. Harry mentioned that Teddy had been coming to their home for dinner four times a week, and that he practically lived with them already. The Potter kids were also thrilled at the idea that Teddy, who was seen kissing Victoire Weasley (the daughter of Bill and Fleur Weasley) might officially become a part of their family. In 1998, as Harry was planning to break in to the Lestrange Vault, he wondered if he was becoming as reckless as a godfather to Teddy as Sirius Black had been to him. With helping Andromeda raise Teddy, Harry possibly became a father figure towards him, as Harry could understand how Teddy felt without parents. Harry likely also served the role that Hagrid played in his upbringing by passing down knowledge of the orphan's parents to him just as Hagrid had done to him. Harry most likely also brought Teddy up on a parade of stories about his parents, letting him know the kind of noble and selfless heroes they were, and how being an orphan doesn't mean that he lacks a family of his own. In many ways, Harry continued the "pack" started by the Marauders, extended through him, and furthered more in the raising of Teddy; a group of misfits and heroes forming a family of their own around one another, creating something stronger than blood, and greater than magic.

    Cedric Diggory

    Cedric Diggory: "You saved my life, Harry. Take the cup." Harry: "We'll take it together." — Cedric and Harry about who should win the Triwizard Tournament Harry and Cedric Diggory, were, for better or worse, rivals throughout Harry's third and fourth years at Hogwarts. As Cedric was Seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, one of their first encounters involved Cedric catching the Snitch and securing the win for his team, while Harry fell off his broomstick after one of the Dementors guarding the school found its way onto the Quidditch pitch. The next year, when both Harry and Cedric were declared Champions in the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric was the school's obvious favourite, as most of the students believed Harry had entered the competition illegally. Harry thought Cedric also believed Harry had entered illegally, but it's possible this wasn't true, as Cedric did not dislike Harry for this, as most of the school did. Though the negative attention abated slightly after Harry's stellar performance in the first task, Cedric also beat Harry to the punch in asking Cho Chang to the Yule Ball. And although Cedric remained good-natured and gracious throughout, Harry could not help feeling jealous, and even slightly insecure about the fact that Cedric "looked the part" of a Champion. Regardless, when Hagrid showed Harry that the Tournament's first task would involve facing dragons, Harry felt compelled to help Cedric, realising he alone would be unprepared, as both Heads of other the two competing schools had seen the dragons as well. Cedric reciprocated by helping Harry with the second task, and during the third, each had occasion to save the other's life. As, such, when they reached the Triwizard Cup at the same time, they agreed to take it together; both boys were transported to the Little Hangleton graveyard, and Harry watched in horror as Peter Pettigrew murdered Cedric on Voldemort's command to "kill the spare." When Cedric's ghostly image emerged from Voldemort's wand, which was locked in Priori Incantatem with Harry's, he asked Harry to take his body back to his parents, which Harry honoured, risking his life in the process. Cedric's death haunted Harry's dreams well into the summer, as Dudley mockingly asked him if "Cedric" was his boyfriend, and enabled Harry to see Thestrals for the first time at the beginning of his fifth year. Having witnessed Cedric's death first hand made Harry feel very distraught throughout the following year, and aside from Ron and Hermione, he refused to talk about it with anyone else, as he rebuked Zacharias Smith's demands for more details, and even when a tearful Cho asked of it. After the Second Wizarding War and capturing Lord Voldemort's secret daughter, Harry and his son Albus paid a visit to Cedric's gravesite. There Harry revealed to Albus that he went there annually as a constant apology for robbing Cedric's future and not being able to save him from Wormtail.

    •Harry's first friends were Rubeus Hagrid and Ronald Weasley. Interestingly, both had names that start with the letter "R".

    •In the Mirror of Erised, Harry saw his family, a lot of people with untidy black hair, his own noses, mouths and knees. However, he also saw some people with almond-shaped green eyes, which could indicate that he saw his Muggle family as well, even though he did not see the Dursley family.

    •Harry's niece and nephew, Rose and Hugo, have some of the same heritage of Harry. A Muggle-born mother, Lily and Hermione, and a pure-blood father, James and Ron. This makes Rose, Hugo and Harry all half-bloods.

    •To be fair to the Dursley family, James Potter was technically unemployed but, contrary to their assumptions, it was because he was independently wealthy and had no financial need to work. Harry decided to keep them ignorant of this fact, after learning of his family fortune, fearing that they would try to claim it from him.

    •In Harry, A History, Rowling discussed how Steve Kloves suspected that something might happen between Harry and Hermione in Deathly Hallows. She replied: "I had always planned that Harry's true soul mate, which I stand by, is Ginny, and that Ron and Hermione have this combative but mutual attraction. They will always bicker, there will always be rough edges there, but they are pulled together, each has something the other needs. [Kloves] felt a certain pull between them at that point. And I think he's right. There are moments when Harry and Hermione touch, which are charged moments. One when she touches his hair as he sits on the hilltop reading about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, and two the moment when they walk out of the graveyard with their arms around each other. Now the fact is that Hermione shares moments with Harry that Ron will never be able to participate in. He walked out. She shared something very intense with Harry. So I think it could have gone that way".

    •Harry Potter's former romantic relationship with Cho Chang is well-known for being his first crush, first kiss and first girlfriend in the Harry Potter series.

    •Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (First appearance)

    •Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film)

    •Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game)

    ••Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film)

    •Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game)

    ••Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)

  3. In one of the [small notebooks] is a list of forty names of students in Harry's year (including Harry, Ron and Hermione), all allocated houses, with small symbols beside each name depicting each boy or girl's parentage.

  4. Dec 11, 2019 · Harry, being the main character of the series, had his fair share of girlfriends and flings. And while most people may only remember Harry Potter’s two girlfriends, there’s actually a much longer list of girls he was romantically involved with – or at least, supposedly.

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