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  1. How To Cook Steamed Mussels In Butter - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Kitchen Clambake
    Food Network
    I wanted to figure out how to re-create a clambake at home without all the stress of cooking on the beach. I sauteed some onions and leeks in a very large stockpot, then layered small new potatoes, spicy sausage, clams, mussels, shrimp and lobsters until the pot was full. I poured in a whole bottle of good white wine and put the pot on the stove to simmer for 30 minutes. With steamed ears of corn, a summer tomato salad and lots of crusty French bread on the side, I had the most delicious clambake to serve my friends. I set the table with lobster crackers, huge bowls for the shells and lots of melted butter. Then we all put on chef's aprons and dug in, and no one had to worry about getting sand in the food!