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  1. L'induction est l' inférence menant de plusieurs affirmations particulières à une affirmation générale. Le principe de l'induction est que la répétition d'un phénomène augmente la probabilité de le voir se reproduire.

  2. Inductive reasoning is closely related to statistical reasoning and probabilistic reasoning. Like other forms of non-deductive reasoning, induction is not certain. This means that the premises support the conclusion by making it more probable but do not ensure its truth.

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  4. L' inductivisme est une conception épistémologique normative selon laquelle les connaissances doivent se construire uniquement sur la base d'un grand nombre d' observations et sans idées préconçues du réel. Histoire. On en trouve d'abord une version « naïve » classique, qui a eu une grande influence, puis plusieurs versions plus sophistiquées.

  5. He argued for the possibility of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive reasoning and careful observation of events in nature. He believed that science could be achieved by the use of a sceptical and methodical approach whereby scientists aim to avoid misleading themselves.

  6. Inductive reasoning is a type of reasoning that involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations. It's often called "bottom-up" reasoning because it starts with specific details and builds up to broader conclusions (The Decision Lab, n.d.). Here’s a commonly used example. You observe that every swan you've ever seen is white.

  7. Sep 6, 2004 · An inductive logic is a logic of evidential support. In a deductive logic, the premises of a valid deductive argument logically entail the conclusion, where logical entailment means that every logically possible state of affairs that makes the premises true must make the conclusion true as well.

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