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  1. The Philip Pope Family - BIMI Missionary to Thailand. Contact Information Email: US Phone: 832-721-4796 Thailand Phone: 090-417-6476

  2. Thai KJV Bible "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12. Order a Thai KJV Bible. Order a Thai KJV New Testament. Order a Thai John & Romans

  3. Philip and Colette Pope. The Philip Pope family began serving in Thailand in 1978. During their 17 years on the field, the Lord blessed with the starting of 3 churches. They were home on medical furlough for 17 years, getting therapy for their youngest son, Weston. During that time, the national pastors were used by God to ...

  4. The Thailand Home Page. If you have a question about ordering, click here to contact us by e-mail. Click to order securely with your credit card or through PayPal. To order by mail, send $2.00 for each Bible to: Philip Pope. 18534 Wade Creek Lane. Cypress, Texas 77433. Printable Order Form. The Philip Pope Family - BIMI Missionary to Thailand.

  5. Jan 8, 2022 · This Bible is a translation of the English KJV into the Thai language by Philip Pope, BIMI missionary to Thailand since 1978. This Bible translation project was begun ...

  6. This Bible is a translation of the English KJV into the Thai language by Philip Pope, BIMI missionary to Thailand since 1978. This Bible translation project was begun in 1983 and finished in 2001. It will be printed in early 2003.

  7. The Philip Pope Family - BIMI Missionary to Thailand Keywords: thai, thailand, online Bible, god's word, christian bible, พระคัมภีร์, thai bible, ะ้ฟร