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  1. 63 List of Common Slide Rule Scales XI Advanced Slide Rule Features 67 GaugeMarks 67 Multi-Line Cursors 68 Color Coding 69 Rulers 69 Addiators 69 Electronic Calculators XII Slide Rules for Special Applications 71 Chemistry, Surveying, Electricity, Radio, Electronics, Business and Finance, Navigation, Metric Coversion XIII Major Slide Rule ...

  2. › Manuals ›

    NOTE: The C, A, and K scales shown above are not their proper length proportion as you can see by referring to your slide rule. All scales have been drawn to equal length to more clearly illustrate the respective differences in scale division and to simplify the mastery of the number location method explained in Sec. 1. READING THE SLIDE RULE ...

  3. Additionally, The slide rule does not tell you where the decimal point is located in the answer. To do a calculation with a slide rule you reduce all numbers to scientific notation with 2-4 digits then use the slide rule to perform the basic operations. In a separate calculation you find the order of magnitude by combining the powers of 10.

    • 4MB
    • 56
  4. The slide rule and other instruments which give the same facilities for rapid calculations, are covered by the term "Mechanical Calculation". It is unfortunate that, for some reasons not easy to see, the slide rule is sometimes regarded as a difficult instrument with which to become proficient. There is a tendency for some people

    • No Drawing Office complete
    • : Part I.].
    • Manchester :
    • NERAL
    • The Cursor or Runner
    • Cube Root (Direct Method)
    • Gravet or Mannheim slide rule, it will be seen that four
    • In a similar type of cursor sometimes employed two sets
    • Thus a most important feature becomes apparent. The
    • p used in
    • If the A and B scales are used, a complete set of con-
    • Scale C.
    • A few examples
    • The author's method of determining the position
    • a great advantage is obtained, inasmuch as the result, either
    • When the A and B scales are employed, it is understood
    • If it is found on the left A scale, the rule for the number of
    • It has already been explained that the relation between
    • Dare found to be 4*71. The rule for the number of digits
    • It will be noticed that by this rule four scales are brought

    Class <& fSf CELLULOID SLIDE RULES for all Technical Calculations. CELLULOID SLIDE RULES with spare Log-o-Log Seal

    without it. An enormous time saver. HARDEN'S DRAWING

    Damp and Dust Proof Fitting^ for Electric Liyht Installations. ADVERTISEMENTS. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., NEW YORK.

    " A valuable little volume. . .. . Mr. Pickworth's judgment is always sound, and is evidently derived from a personal acquaintance with indicator work."—The Engineer. See page vii. THE INDICATOR DIAGRAM: ITS ANALYSIS

    ["The Indicator Handbook": Part II.]. M A most valuable, up-to-date book, and we most heartily recommend it to our readers. The information is concise, practical, and trustworthy."—The Steamship. See page vii.

    FOR STEAM, GAS, AND OIL ENGINES. "Accurate, expeditious, and thoroughly practical. . . . We can confidently recommend it, and engineers will find it a great boon in undertaking tests, etc."—TAt Electrician. See page v. c. n. pickwortii, i allowi n:u>. .Manchester. ~ THE

    " Author of The Indicator : Its Construction and " Application "; The Indicator " Diagram : Its Analysis and Calculation ; etc.

    Emmott and Co. Limited, New Bridge Street ; and c. x. plckworth, fallowfield.

    [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. the several works on the Slide OF Rule which have appeared in this country, none, so far as the author is aware, relates to rules of the Gravet or Mannheim type. This, the most modern design of instrument, undoubtedly possesses many advantages over the older forms, and its use is rapidly extendin...

    Introductory The Mechanical Principle The Mathematical Principle

    Proportion Table of Conversion Factors Proportion with the Slide Inverted , Multiplication Number of Digits in a Product Division Number of Digits in a Quotient Combined Multiplication and Division Multiplication and Division with the Slide Inverted The Use of the Upper Scale for Proportion, etc Involution and Evolution •

    Cube Root with Inverted Slide Involution and Evolution with any Power or Root Combined Operations — Examples in Technical Computation Mensuration, etc.

    slide rule may be defined as an instrument for THE mechanically effecting calculations by logarithmic computation. By its aid various arithmetical, alge- braical and trigonometrical processes may be performed with ease and rapidity, the results obtained being sufficiently accurate for almost all practical requirements. The precision attained in sli...

    A brief consideration will show that no useful purpose would be served by retaining the scale of equal parts by which the logarithm are represented. It is with numbers that we have to deal, and in which we require the result to be expressed. Therefore, since each division of the number scale represents by its distance from 1, the log. of the number...

    series of logarithmic graduations or scale-lines are employed, the upper and lower being engraved on the stock or body of the rule, while the other two are engraved upon the slide. It will be noted that the two upper sets of gradua- tions are exactly similar in every particular, and also that the lower sets precisely are alike. It is usual to desig...

    In order to accurately refer the divisions of the upper scales to those of the lower, use is made of the metal cursor or runner with which the rule is now invariably fitted. This attachment should be capable of being easily and smoothly traversed along the whole length of the rule ; if it moves irregularly, the small grooves in which it slides shou...

    of projecting prongs, one on each side of the body, are provided. This, however, is not a good arrangement, as it tends to confuse the The operator. more general form of cursor consists of a light square frame of metal. In this is fixed a piece of glass or mica, about lin. square, across the centre of which is a fine black line accurately placed at...

    rule for proportion, which is apparent from the foregoing, :— may be expressed as follows

    j determining the corresponding conversion factors. This will enable those operators who so prefer, to work with the usual equivalent value on D to unit value on C.

    versions will be at once obtained. In this case, however, the factors should be selected on the left-hand A and B scales, and any values read off on the right-hand A or B scales should be considered as being of tenfold value. With the C and D scales a portion of the one scale will project beyond the other. To read this portion of the scale, the cur...

    TABLE OF CONVERSION FACTORS—{Continued). IV.—Measures of Capacity— {Continued). Scale C. Scale D. Scale

    these rules :— will best exemplify the application of

    The somewhat detailed description given of the method of performing multiplication renders unnecessary any very full discussion of the inverse process of division. Eule for Division.—Place the divisor on C, opposite the dividend on D, and read the quotient on D under the index of C.

    of the decimal point in combined multiplication and division, will be found to reduce the operation to an exceedingly simple process. As before, each time multiplication is performed with the slide projecting to the a mark is made — ; each time right, division is effected with the slide to the right, a | mark is made but the — ;

    proportion, in multiplication, or division, can always be read directly from the rule without—as is frequently neces- sary in calculations with the lower scales— having to change the position of the slide after it has been initially set. Hence, also, it obviates the uncertainty as to the direction in which the slide is to be moved in making a setti...

    that the left-hand pair of scales are to be used in the same manner as and D, and so far the rules relating to the latter are entirely applicable. It is necessary to note, how- ever, that in this case the slide is always moved to the right, and that in multiplication the product is in consequence found either upon the left A scale or on the right A...

    41 moved either to the right or left until under the given number on A is found a number on the l.h. B scale, identical with the number simultaneously found on D under the right or left index of C, This number is the required cube root. From what has already been said regarding the combined use of these scales in cubing, it will be evident that in ...

    41 moved either to the right or left until under the given number on A is found a number on the l.h. B scale, identical with the number simultaneously found on D under the right or left index of C, This number is the required cube root. From what has already been said regarding the combined use of these scales in cubing, it will be evident that in ...

    41 moved either to the right or left until under the given number on A is found a number on the l.h. B scale, identical with the number simultaneously found on D under the right or left index of C, This number is the required cube root. From what has already been said regarding the combined use of these scales in cubing, it will be evident that in ...

    41 moved either to the right or left until under the given number on A is found a number on the l.h. B scale, identical with the number simultaneously found on D under the right or left index of C, This number is the required cube root. From what has already been said regarding the combined use of these scales in cubing, it will be evident that in ...

    41 moved either to the right or left until under the given number on A is found a number on the l.h. B scale, identical with the number simultaneously found on D under the right or left index of C, This number is the required cube root. From what has already been said regarding the combined use of these scales in cubing, it will be evident that in ...

  5. RELATIONSHIP OF SCALES NOTE: ACU-MATH SLIDE RULE MODELS No. 4 AND No. DO NOT HAVE TRIGONOMETRIC SCALES "S" AND The specific use of the following scales will be explained in this manual. Scale — A Trigonometric Scale used with the "C" and "D" Scales for problems in- volving the Sine of angles.

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  7. › Manuals ›

    Description of the Slide Rule The Mannheim type slide rule consists of three parts, a ruler, a slider, and a runner. The ruler (also called the body or the stock) carries three scales marked A, D, and K. The slider fits into and slides in grooves on the / top side of the body. The slider can be reversed in the body and carries on one side the

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