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  1. Jan 30, 2017 · Good Gherkin feature files are not easy to write at first. Writing is definitely an art. With some basic pointers, and a bit of practice, Gherkin becomes easier. This post will cover how to write top-notch feature files. (Check the Automation Panda BDD page for the full table of contents.)

  2. Feb 12, 2018 · You could write a function that takes the test data in json/standard data type form, using that as your way to do the calculations: function checkHomeLoanAffordability(homeLoanObject){ // Fill out information // Put end information into standard data type // return end information }

    Code sample

    Scenario Outline: Calculate loan amount and Loan to Value Ratio
      Given the user has filled in the <purchase-price> and <savings> calculator information
      When the user submits the calculator
      Then the calculator will display the <total-loan> and <lvr>
      And the message bar will display <message>...
  3. How to write Gherkin tests. To write Gherkin tests, you first need to understand some of the keywords used, and what they do in practice. Here’s a list of the most common keywords in Gherkin syntax. Each keyword is critical to the process of writing a great Gherkin test.

  4. Dec 27, 2023 · Master Gherkin for software testing with this guide! Explore BDD, write cases in plain English, and learn syntax for clearer development communication. Why testRigor?

  5. Overuse of scenario outlines tends to result in lots of scenarios. This is one of the main things that leads to slow your tests. Here's the rule of thumb we practice: if you're using scenario outlines, don't do it with a UI test or anything that's slow.

  6. With Gherkin, you can use your native language to describe test cases instead of difficult to read and understand camelcase test-method-names. Try the online-editor Learn Gherkin. Feature: Calculator.

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  8. Gherkin Reference¶ Gherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to executable specifications. Each keyword is translated to many spoken languages; in this reference we’ll use English.

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