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  1. Steve Klein? Haven't seen him mentioned much, especially since the plea deal. I just came across the statement he put out after the plea deal where he finally spoke on all the allegations and his side of what has happened. Just wondering if anyone has kept up on the situation and knows what or if any projects he may be involved in currently or ...

  2. The forensic evidence presented in court indicates he has nude videos of girls younger than 10. Most people plead out to a reduced number of charges but still get up to 20 years in prison. Steve had the money to draw it out until he didn’t get any jail time. Steve lost everything.

  3. Just realized I filmed Steve Klein's last ever performance with NFG, and it was an Alkaline Trio song New Found Glory & Alkaline Trio did a co-headlining tour in the fall of 2013. Their last show of the tour was November 25th in Tucson AZ, where I happened to be living at the time.

  4. Before today, if you had asked me who I would be least upset to see leave NFG, it would have been Steve Klein. Live he wasn't anything special, and the only thing he brought to NFG was the lyrics, which was also the one thing I always wished they would change. You can only sing about high school drama for so long before it gets old.

  5. Well as of 2/14/18. "Dr. Nisha Abdul Cader, a pediatrician with San Luis Obispo County and the prosecution’s expert witness on sexual maturity, said she estimated their ages between 9 and 16 years old based on their physical development." It's pretty hard to mistake a 9 year old for an 18 year old..

  6. Yeah this has been going down for awhile now. I am trying to believe that he is innocent before being proven guilty. I'm surprised with the current state of mixture of pop punk and SJWs that they aren't calling for his death sentence in this thread. From what I know and have heard from many involved in the scene, he is living a very private ...

  7. I am so god damned torn reading this. Let me fix that tear for you: Steve - "I had no reason to believe these women were under the age of 18." Expert testimony - "we believe these girls could have been as young as 9." Fuck off, Steve. Poor guy had his life torn apart.

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