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  1. Jul 12, 2006 · Instead, the conference was about setting up a business plan for about 1 day (Joe), second day was Tom simply repeating what I have already read and now and use for trading. The third day had us listen to Doug (the psychologist) for about 2 hrs and then go over more rehashed MP stuff from Tom.

  2. Jul 12, 2006 · I have heard that Tom is an active member of Al Queda, and has blown up several buildings recently in the San Diego area. I am wondering if anyone is going to attend his seminar the following week, where he shows Al Queda hopefuls how to blow up a variety of buildings, how to mistreat household pets, and how to push old ladies out of the way at the supermarket.

  3. Jul 12, 2006 · That's what makes a market. I'm not anonymous, I'm easily accessible, and I am confident any critically thinking person can do some homework outside our little repartee and come to a satisfactory conclusion, at least regarding the veracity of what I say. Tom Alexander. #22 Jan 8, 2007. Share.

  4. I've been reading Tom Alexander's book and listening to his daily briefings for a few weeks now. Also heard him on a few free webinars. Best market profile education I've had so far.

  5. Oct 21, 2017 · NationsPdf.pdf. Alan Farley - The Master Swing Trader.pdf. ALAN R SHAW - The Financial Analyst Handbook -Ch 11- Market Timing and Technical. Analysis.pdf. Alexander ELDER - Trading For A Living.pdf. Alexander Elder - Study Guide For Come Into My Trading Room - A Complete Guide. To Trading.pdf.

  6. Aug 31, 2018 · Haven't seen any in a while, but got a note from Online Trading Academy, and went once again to the FREE SEMINAR ..... Still the same old lies ---- that you can make $50k annually from a $5k futures/forex account-- that Institutions sell to Retail in so-called Supply Zones, and-- that Retail sells back to Institutions in so-called Demand Zones

  7. Sep 28, 2019 · You are right, Clik looks slick. It still just a simulation, training tool. They have a long way to go to integrate a live data feed and to link to a broker's API to place the trades live. Once they do this, they'll have something pretty powerful albeit not fully automated.

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