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    • Rebecca Alber
    • Teacher Clarity. When a teacher begins a new unit of study or project with students, she clarifies the purpose and learning goals, and provides explicit criteria on how students can be successful.
    • Classroom Discussion. Teachers need to frequently step offstage and facilitate entire class discussion. This allows students to learn from each other. It's also a great opportunity for teachers to formatively assess (through observation) how well students are grasping new content and concepts.
    • Feedback. How do learners know they are moving forward without steady, consistent feedback? They often won't. Along with individual feedback (written or verbal), teachers need to provide whole-group feedback on patterns they see in the collective class' growth and areas of need.
    • Formative Assessments. In order to provide students with effective and accurate feedback, teachers need to assess frequently and routinely where students are in relation to the unit of study's learning goals or end product (summative assessment).
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  2. Jan 26, 2022 · Dr. Mark A. McDaniel shares effective, evidence-based strategies about learning to replace less effective but widely accepted practices.

  3. Focus on your pedagogy, not the medium: the principles of pedagogy that are effective for online teaching – video, simulation, text, etc. – are similar to those that are effective in the residential classroom. They allow students to engage with material dynamically and across multiple learning styles.

  4. Dec 24, 2020 · Learning strategies help you better engage students in active learning by using a variety of activities such as reading, writing, discussion or problem-solving. Easy to execute, these activities promote analysis, synthesis, and the evaluation of class content.

    • Javier Arguello
    • Prime the brain for learning. While tests are commonly used to measure performance, they are also powerful tools to foster learning. What does the science of learning say about testing before we even teach the material?
    • Activate your students’ attentional filter. Learning requires “active processing” because information is processed and remembered only if it makes it through our attentional filters.
    • Preteach jargon to avoid cognitive overload. Teaching often involves new terms. Cognitive multimedia theory teaches us that students learn better when the terms are introduced in advance of the content.
    • Incorporate frequent, spaced opportunities to retrieve information and skills. We begin forgetting what we’ve learned shortly after we learn it. The forgetting curve illustrates how learned information decays over time.
  5. May 2, 2018 · However, a growing body of research shows that learning is a learned behavior. Through the deliberate use of dedicated strategies, we can all develop expertise faster and more effectively.

  6. Mar 30, 2023 · Learn what effective teaching is, the benefits of incorporating it in your practice and review 12 different types of effective teaching habits and strategies.

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