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  1. SYMBOL. LITERAL MEANING. SCRIPTURE. Absolute singleness and unity. Mark 10:6–9; John 17:21, 22; Ephesians 4:4–6. 2. Truth of God’s Word, Law and prophets, Two or three witnesses, Sword with two edges.

  2. Ninety world-class Bible scholars carefully revised the text of The Living Bible by comparing it with the original Greek and Hebrew languages to produce an accurate, easy-to-read translation. Uses gender-neutral language, as appropriate, for people. It is good for devotional reading and study.

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  3. (Matthew 5:18, AMP) This study explains the importance of biblical numerology and provides guidelines for properly interpreting numbers. You will learn the meaning of selected numbers, their prophetic significance, and how to apply what you learn.

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  4. Unlocking The BibleCharts, Diagrams and Images. This volume, is a collection of the illustrative material – charts, diagrams and maps – which David Pawson has used in delivering his teaching sessions. It is intended for use as a supplement to the audio and video recordings of his talks.

  5. Series I consists of five charts outlining either the Bible, the Epistle to the Hebrews, or God’s dispensations through history. They are all undated, but three identify the authors. Series II consists of twenty-two charts about the Bible, particular books of the Bible, and God’s dispensations.

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  6. Scofield details one hundred twenty-eight types, shadows and symbols in his Bible. In order to fully study the types listed, you will need to refer to the excellent notes in the Scofield Bible. The table below lists those examples, with both Scripture note references and antitype or symbol references.

  7. Many of the numbers in the Bible have deeper prophetic or spiritual significance. Both in the Old and New Testaments, numbers reveal hidden concepts and meanings that commonly escape the casual reader.

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