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  1. Twelfth Night Cake Tradition Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    King Cake Traditional New Orleans Recipe
    In European countries, the coming of the wisemen bearing gifts to the Christ Child is celebrated twelve days after Christmas. The celebration, called Epiphany, Little Christmas on the Twelfth Night, is a time of exchanging gifts and feasting. All over the world, people gather for the festive Twelfth Night celebrations. One of the most popular customs is still the baking of a special cake in honor of the three kings... "A King's Cake." Tradition has now evolved through time to obligate the person who receives the baby (inside every King Cake) to continue the festivities by hosting another king cake party.King Cakes were originally a simple ring of dough with little decoration. The King Cake is made with a rich Danish dough, baked and covered wth a poured sugar topping and decorated with the traditional Mardi Gras-colored sugars. The result is a delicious and festive cake in traditional Rex colors: Purple, representing justice; Green representing faith; Gold representing Power.