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  1. Walmart Sauces And Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Buddha's Pizza Pie Crust
    This is an oh-so-simple recipe created by Buddha that results in a wonderful pizza crust for many uses. It's recommended you have a baking stone (about $10 at Walmart) and a peel (a peel is a large thin paddle with a long handle made of metal or wood used to help slide baked goods in and out of your oven). This recipe goes great with Recipe #255242 and as a dipping sauce for Recipe #263900.
    Totally Tasty Tortillas with Cream Cheese & Eggs
    I recently put this together in my kitchen for lunch because I'd discovered a new form of low-fat cream cheese at Walmart's grocery section and wondered what it would taste like--WOW!! The corn tortilla, the cooked onions, egg and hot sauce blend beautifully with the whipped cream cheese and is SO good, I usually have it for breakfast AND for lunch now! The brand is Green Mountain Farms Whipped Cream Cheese with Greek Yogurt: 3 times the protein and half the fat of regular cream cheese (2 TBSP serving) and now I can't wait to start creating recipes with it! This one is fairly simple, but the combination of flavors will startle you--my daughter went crazy for it and (if there's any cream cheese left) tomorrow I'll probably make it again! I serve it with a fresh, sliced mango with a little (Tapatio) hot sauce, or, you can also sprinkle a little chili powder on the fruit, which is how it's often eaten in Mexico. For a different flavor you can even cut the mango in small cubes, sprinkle it with chili powder and use it as a garnish to top of the amazing blend of flavors.
    Grilled Bone-In Rib-Eye with Grilled Corn and Tomato Salsa
    Food Network
    This recipe is sponsored by Walmart. The char from the grill is the ultimate way to bring the steakhouse vibes to summertime. Take care to clean your grill and preheat before grilling. These small steps make a huge difference in dinner! After brushing your grill clean, use worn kitchen towels soaked with a little canola oil and rub down the grill so the meat doesn’t stick when you cook it. For quicker preheating, close the grill lid to capture the heat. The other important tool for grilling? Good salt. Use kosher salt to season your meat and have a small amount of flaky bigger sea salt on hand to sprinkle at the end. It’s not only the flavor but also the texture of the salt that will make your steak stand out and stand UP to any steakhouse steak. This tomato and corn salsa is a summer greatest hit and a perfect match for steak. There is no way anyone won’t devour it! Make and eat it (without ever storing in the fridge) freshly assembled and still warm. Like it super spicy? Add thin slices of fresh jalapeno and a few dashes hot sauce.